International industrial hemp business event “Cannabis Hub.LT 2024”

International industrial hemp business event “Cannabis Hub.LT 2024” is being organized by the Centre for Business and Social Partnership at the VMU Agriculture Academy and the Association of Industrial Hemp Growers, Processors and Business Innovators on 8–9 November 2024
“Cannabis.Hub.LT 2024” is a traditionally organized annual international hemp business conference , which will include a hemp business exhibition. The theme of this year’s conference: “The Contribution of the Industrial Hemp Business to the Development of Restorative (Regenerative) Agriculture and the Circular Economy in Rural Areas”. Everyone interested in fiber hemp business opportunities, legal regulation and support of this business, and the latest technological achievements are welcome at the event.
The themes of the exhibition:
- Construction using hemp composite materials;
- Certified seeds of industrial hemp and modern cultivation technologies;
- Organic fertilizers, plant protection products and bio stimulants;
- Equipment and technology for drying and storing industrial hemp products;
- Fiber hemp products (food, cosmetics, etc.);
- Selection, research and consultancy services of industrial hemp;
- Other.
Attendance at the event is free.