International Scientific conference “World Conference on Sustainable Life Sciences (WOCOLS 2019)” at Budapest

On June 30 – July 07, 2019 assoc. prof. dr. Jurgita Kulaitienė, lecturers dr. Dovilė Levickienė and dr. Nijolė Vaitkevičienė of the Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences from Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy, were participating at International Scientific conference “World Conference on Sustainable Life Sciences (WOCOLS 2019)” at Budapest, Hungary.
The main organizers of the conference were scientists of the Department of Crop Science of Agriculture Faculty of Erciyes University, Turkey. The main purpose of this conference was to bring together researchers, scientists in universities, institutions to provide them a unique platform for sharing worldwide ideas as well as the recent developments on life sciences. It was possible to meet with scientists from different countries (Turkey, United States, Italy, Czech Republic, Iran, Georgia, Slovakia etc.) and to discuss various issues about food science opportunities, visions, and carried out studies.
During the conference, in the section “Agriculture” J. Kulaitienė made presentation “Carotenoid content and composition in rose hips (Rosa Spp.) during ripening”, D. Levickienė made presentation “The effect of the biodynamic preparations and harvest month of quality indicates in the leaves of white mulberry (Morus Alba L.) grown in Lithuania” and N. Vaitkevičienė made presentation “Influence of cultivar and different farming systems on the contents of flavonoids in potatoes”. At the conference, the presentations received the attention of the participants. Discussions were initiated, as well as we were praised for working on interesting and relevant topics.
During the conference also were made new contacts with professors from Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun-Turkey. Likewise have exchanged views to prepare the project together connected with Sustainable Life. The participation in the conference has given an opportunity for getting to know the scientists of the other countries, as well as change contacts for collaboration.