Open Competition for University Fee Exemptions for Spring Semester | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Open Competition for University Fee Exemptions for Spring Semester

Vytautas Magnus university (VMU) has launched an open competition for university fee exemptions for Spring semester 2019/2020. The purpose of the competition is to achieve the mission of socially responsible university by reducing social exclusion, creating appropriate financial conditions for VMU students to be accommodated and (or) study (taking into account different social (material) situations, study results and (or) accommodation in the dormitory).

University fee exemptions for Spring semester 2019/2020 may be granted at a rate of up to 100% to cover:

TUITION FEES, and this exemption may be granted for students of a full-time bachelor, master or integrated studies:

  • who are currently in a difficult social (material) situation;
  • whose grades (taking into account credits) average for the last examination session is not lower than 8 (eight).

ACCOMMODATION FEES, and this exemption may be granted for students of a full-time bachelor, master, PhD or integrated studies, who are currently living in the dormitory of VMU and who have concluded Agreement for Accommodation, which is valid until June 30th, 2020, based on:

  • social (material) situation;
  • dormitory and room type, where student is being accommodated (NOTE: students, who are currently living in a single-bed room of the dormitory cannot be awarded accommodation fee exemption).

University fee exemptions through the open competition may be awarded as a matter of priority, by taking into account social (material) status, for:

  • Orphans, students who were granted custody or guardianship until adulthood or who have lost both of their parents (both of the parents have passed away);
  • Students with disabilities;
  • Students from the families with large number of children (there are four or more children in the family, who are currently students, school pupil or minors, and who are not older than 24 years).

Given the social (material) status, students must provide following documents for the competition:

  • Orphans: original documents of the death certificates of your mother and father, with official translations to Lithuanian, English or Russian languages with the translator’s stamp attached.
  • Students with disabilities: original document, which proves your disability with official translations to Lithuanian, English or Russian languages with the translator’s stamp attached.
  • Students from the families with large number of children:
    • Original certificate of family composition with official translations to Lithuanian, English or Russian languages with the translator’s stamp attached;
    • Original documents/certificates which proves age of your brothers and sisters with official translations to Lithuanian, English or Russian languages with the translator’s stamp attached.

Students who are willing to apply for fee exemptions, has to complete an electronic application form and submit (upload) documents, which proves social (material) status of the family, together with official translations to Lithuanian, English or Russian languages with the translator’s stamp attached. This must be done no later than by February 16th, 2020Results of the open competition will be published by March 1st, 2020, by personally informing students about it by an email send to the emails address, which was indicated in the Application  Form.

Tuition fee and accommodation fees exemptions shall be awarded by taking into account all the support granted for the student by VMU, awarded scholarships, granted exemptions and (or) size of the fees paid for the University and given the support and (or) scholarships awarded from the State budget funds, private legal or natural persons.

More information

Application for University Fee Exemption, Spring Semester 2019/2020

Student centre (Student Affairs Department)
AddressS. Daukanto str. 27–206, 44249 Kaunas
Phone(8 37) 751 175