Postdoc fellowships at VMU Agriculture Academy | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Postdoc fellowships at VMU Agriculture Academy

Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) invites applications for postdoctoral internships. Applications for postdoctoral internships are submitted to the Research Council of Lithuanian. According to Council information, the invitation for postdoctoral fellowships will be published in April.

The purpose of postdoctoral fellowships is to promote the development of the system of postdoctoral internships for young scientists and to raise the scientific qualifications of interns (these projects must not aim to create specific products for the market and increase the scale of commercial and technology transfer).

According to this activity, a postdoctoral trainee is understood as a researcher who has a PhD degree awarded by a Lithuanian or foreign research and study institution, and for whom no more than 5 years have passed from the date of the award of the PhD degree to the date of submission of applications specified in the invitation (this period does not include pregnancy and maternity leave, paternity leave or leave to take care of the child until the child turns 3 years old) and carrying out scientific research work provided for in the project. The intern must go to a foreign science and study institution or research center, laboratory, company, institution, library, archive, expedition, etc. for internship.

More information about postdoctoral fellowships at Research Council of Lithuania website.

Contact at VMU Agriculture Academy:

Ingrida Ignotaitė

Tel. (8 37) 752 377

Universiteto str. 8A, Akademija, LT-53341, Kaunas distr.