Presentation of study opportunities at VMU the Agricultural Academy to Kazakhstan’s audience (Kazakhstan, Almata)
Vice deans responsible for studies of VMU Agriculture Academy assoc. prof. A. Adamavičienė (Faculty of Agronomy) and lect. A. Stiklienė (Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology) with the financial support of the project “Raising the Awareness and Prestige of Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan, Promoting Studies in Lithuania” NR. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-709-01-0001 attended „International Education fair 2019“ which was held on 11–12 October, 2019 in Kazakhstan, Almata. During this education fair the opportunities of Bachelor and Master studies at Agriculture Academy were presented to the Kazakhstan’s audience.
A. Adamavičienė and A. Stiklienė had meetings with representatives of universities administration at Eurasian Technological University (ETU) and Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU) also. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) between VMU Agriculture Academy and Eurasian Technological University was singed and stamped. During the meetings it was discussed about Credit Mobility under Erasmus +, joint programs, double degree programs.