12th International Scientific Conference “RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2025: Resilience to Global Challenges” | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

12th International Scientific Conference “RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2025: Resilience to Global Challenges”

We kindly invite You to the 12th International Scientific Conference “RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2025: Resilience to Global Challenges”, which will take place in Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (Lithuania), 1-3 October 2025 

This conference is aimed at fostering interdisciplinary scientific discussions by presenting new ideas for agricultural development, rural development, and resilience in the context of global challenges. 

The main topics of Conference sessions: 

  • Biosystems Engineering for Sustainability;  
  • Climate Smart Agriculture and Food Technologies;  
  • Multifunctional Approach for Sustainable use of Bioresources;   
  • Social Research and Innovations for Strengthening Rural Areas.  

Keywords: Agriculture, Bioeconomy, Biosystems, Global Challenges, Resilience, Rural development. 

Political, Business and Science panel discussion “Adopting to Global Change and Building a Resilient Bioeconomy” will be held during the Conference.  

Important dates and deadlines: 

  • Until June 30th, 2025 – early bird registration  
  • Until July 7th, 2025 – payment of early bird participation fee   
  • Until August 31st, 2025 – late bird registration 
  • Until September 5th, 2025 – payment of late bird participation fee   
  • Until September 19th, 2025 – article submission 
  • January 2026 – publishing of the Conference proceedings  
Participation fee  In person (EUR)  Online  


Early bird authors and co-authors until July 7th  300  170 
Late bird authors and co-authors until September 5th  400  220 
Students  150  100 
Participants  150  Free of charge 
For Ukrainian authors and co-authors (if all authors are from Ukraine)  150  100 

 Participation fee in person covers not only the Conference proceedings, but also coffee breaks, lunches and gala dinner. The costs of accommodation, cultural (social) programme and transport should be covered by the participants of the Conference. 

Speakers of the conference pay the participation fee after receiving information about the confirmation of the abstract of the presentation, but no later than deadlines. Confirmation will be sent to the participants during the five workdays after filling in the registration form.    

More information about the Conference.

Online Registration on the Conference website. 

Information for authors. 

Conference website: https://www.ruraldevelopment.lt/ 

Conference e-mail: rural.development@vdu.lt