RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2021: Business and Science Forum for Implementing and Developing the Green Deal

Business and society face a variety of challenges while the European Green Deal strategy promises a bright future. In order to find the right solutions to implement the Green Deal strategy, we invite you to business and science forum “Green Deal: the Way improving the Well-being of Society and Business”, which will take place in 21th September, 2021. The business and science forum will take place during the 10th International Scientific Conference “Rural Development 2021: Challenges for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Climate Change”.
Solutions and direction for developing the sustainable EU’s economy will be discussed. The business initiative for efficient resources moves to a green and circular economy to ensure biodiversity and reduce pollution, effecting local and global decisions to achieve goals regarding well-being of people and business.
Business and science forum will start with good practices from business representatives in developing organic products and technological innovations for agriculture. After the business of good practice dissemination, we invite to participate in the panel discussion “Farm to Fork Strategy – for a Fair, Healthy and Environmentally-Friendly Food System”. Scientists, business representatives and policy makers will discuss and look for a compromise on these issues – effective implementation farm to fork strategy; how to ensure healthy and environmentally friendly food; how to deal with food loss and waste. In the last part of the scientists and business will present presentations on the topic “Business Incentives to Address European Green Deal Challenges”. Scientists, business representatives and policy makers’ discussion will crown the summary of discussions and presentations.
You are welcome to register and participate in business and science forum “Green Deal: The Way improving the Well-being of Society and Business”. Please find more information here.