Scholarships Awarded to Students for Academic or Artistic Achievements | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Scholarships Awarded to Students for Academic or Artistic Achievements

For the first time this year, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) announced a competition for scholarships for scientific or artistic achievements for VMU students, which aims to encourage students to pursue scientific or artistic activities.

Following the public announcement of the competition, 72 students in total have submitted their applications to present their scientific and/or artistic activities for the previous calendar year (2022). Candidates with at least one scientific publication, a conference presentation, or a public presentation of their work were eligible for the scholarship. Following an evaluation of the applications by a panel of experts, scholarships of 500 EUR (five hundred euros) were awarded to 14 students from different fields of study, who had the highest and most significant achievements, as assessed by the corresponding points of scientific (artistic) production and activities.

Scholarships were awarded:

  • Engineering Sciences and Technological Sciences: to the student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bachelor’s study program Biotechnology.
  • Mathematical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences: to the student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bachelor’s study program Biology and Genetics; to the student of the Faculty of Informatics, Bachelor’s study program Informatics Systems; to four master students of the VMU Faculty of Natural Sciences, study programmes of Applied Biotechnology, Biochemical Analysis, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology; to student of the Faculty of Informatics, master’s degree program Applied Mathematics.
  • Arts: to the student of the Music Academy, bachelor’s degree program Performing Arts.
  • Social Sciences, Law, Business, and Public Management: to a student of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, VMU Academy of Agriculture, a Bachelor’s study program Logistics and Commerce; to the Law student of the Faculty of Law.
  • Agricultural Sciences: to the student of the Faculty of Agronomy, Bachelor’s degree of Agronomy.
  • Humanities: to a student of the master’s degree program Comparative Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Humanities.
  • Educational Sciences: to the master’s student in Education study program at the Academy of Education.

The results of the scholarship competition for academic or artistic achievements were announced by sending a personal email to each student,  who participated in the competition (email send to VMU Outlook Mailbox).

More information:

  • Student centre (Student Affairs department)
  • AddressK. Donelaičio g. 52-111, LT-44244, Kaunas
  • Phone(8 37) 751 175