Scholarships Awarded to Students for Academic or Artistic Achievements

For the second time Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) announced a competition for scholarships for scientific or artistic achievements for VMU students, which aims to encourage students to pursue scientific or artistic activities.
Following the public announcement of the competition, 42 students in total have submitted their applications to present their scientific and/or artistic activities for the previous calendar year (2023). Candidates with at least one scientific publication, a conference presentation, or a public presentation of their work were eligible for the scholarship. Following an evaluation of the applications by a panel of experts, scholarships of 500 EUR (five hundred euros) were awarded to 25 students from different fields of study, who had the highest and most significant achievements, as assessed by the corresponding points of scientific (artistic) production and activities.
Scholarships were awarded:
- Engineering and Technology: to a student of the Faculty of Engineering of the VMU Agriculture Academy Bachelor’s degree program Agricultural Mechanical Engineering.
- Mathematical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences: to a student of the Faculty of Informatics Bachelor’s study program Informatics Systems; to a student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Master’s study program Applied Biotechnology; to a student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Master’s study program Molecular Biology and Biotechnology; to two students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Master’s study program Biochemical Analysis; to two students of the Faculty of Informatics Master’s study program Applied Informatics; to a student of the Faculty of Informatics Master’s study program Applied Mathematics;
- Arts: to three students of the Music Academy Bachelor’s degree program Performing Arts; to a student of the Faculty of Arts Master‘s study program Theatre Studies and Performing Arts Management; to a Doctoral student in education of the VMU Education Academy.
- Social Sciences, Law, Business, and Public Management: to a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management Bachelor‘s study program Economics; to a student of the Faculty of Arts Bachelor‘s study program Creative Industries; to three students of the Faculty of Social Sciences Master‘s study program Social Work.
- Agricultural Sciences: to two students of the Faculty of Agronomy of the VMU Agriculture Academy Bachelor’s study program Agronomy; to a student of the Faculty of Agronomy of the VMU Agriculture Academy Master’s study program Agronomy.
- Humanities: to a student of Faculty of Arts Master’s study program program Art Curatorship; to a student of Faculty of Humanities Master’s study program Comparative Cultural Studies; to a student of Faculty of Arts Master’s study program Cultural Heritage and Tourism.
The results of the scholarship competition for academic or artistic achievements were announced by sending a personal email to each student, who participated in the competition (email send to VMU Outlook Mailbox).
The scholarships were awarded during the student conference “Freedom to Create”, which this year was dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the restoration of VMU and the concept of artes liberales, and which took place on 3 May.