Secondment to Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

In May 1-3, associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences Jurgita Kulaitienė, lecturer Nijole Vaitkevičienė and Dovilė Levickienė, pHd students Dalė Televičiūtė and Aloyzas Velička from Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy, visited Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
During the visit the International Baltic Conference “FoodBalt 2019 and NEEFood 2019” was attended. The aim of the Conference: to bring together scientists interested in food, quality and innovation in this area. It was possible to meet with scientists from different countries (Turkey, Portugal, Russia, Estonia, etc.) and to discuss various issues about food science opportunities, visions, and carried out studies. It was also a unique event in which leading food scientists and young scientists such as doctoral students or MSc students was able to exchange the latest research results in their areas of the research, and acquire additional knowledge in other research areas.
In the conference we presented 2 posters (The changes of bioactive compounds in different genotypes of rosehips flesh; Total phenols, phenolic acids and flavonoids content of different mint species) and one oral presentation (The effect of plant extracts on the synthesis of biologically active compounds in germinated leguminous). An award for the best oral presentation was given to PhD student – Dalė Televičiūtė.