Teaching visit in the Palermo University by “Erasmus+” teaching mobility program

Professor Eglė Jotautienė and assoc. professor Antanas Juostas from Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety visited the University of Palermo (UNIPA) the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF) by “Erasmus+” teaching mobility program (Staff Mobility for Teaching). Universities has close collaboration in ERASMUS+ visits exchange and participation at International Conferences. We are very thankfull to Erasmus+ Department coordinator Dr. Antonio Comparetti from Palermo University for a smooth and fruitfull organization of the visit.
The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is an acknowledged public academic institution in Central-Western Sicily. Its 5 Schools (Medicine and Surgery; Polytechnic; Law, Social and Economic Sciences; Base and Applied Sciences; Humanities and Cultural Heritage) and 20 Departments cover the most important domains of scientific and technological knowledge. The University offers about 122 (1st and 2nd cycle) degree study programs, 44 Specialisation Schools and 23 PhD programs.
Eglė Jotautienė presented the study programs and mobility of ERASMUS+ possibilities in Vytautas Magnus University of Agriculture Academy and lectures on topic „Innovative technologies in agrimachinery”. Antanas Juostas presented the lectures on topic “Automatic steering and telemetry systems in agriculture: GPS fundamentals, correction signals, driving modes, Telemetry systems in agriculture and yield mapping handling and data management”. Bachelor and master degree students paid big interest on the topics presented during the lectures.
During Palermo University visiting time were taken a possibility to participate in seminars and lectures held by Palermo University lectors. Such a lectures has given an opportunity to think about new organization style of the studies, various teaching methods, communication culture and altitude between teachers and students. The visit has given an opportunity for exchanging the ideas
on future education and research cooperation’s, improving the academic relations between departments and establishing the background for future collaboration in the area of the research, common projects, student’s mobility and enhancing the studies direction towards the research results utilization to business.
Eglė Jotautienė, Antanas Juostas