The Chancellor of the VMU Agriculture Academy A. Miceikiene’s visit to Tashkent Universities

The Chancellor of the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) Prof. Dr. Astrida Miceikiene participated in the I-International Scientific Conference Green Taxonomy for Sustainable Development: From Green Technologies to Green Economy. This conference was being held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. She gave a presentation “The Role of Green Taxes in the Development of Bioeconomy: The Case of the EU” at the plenary session.
For the first time, this conference unites engineering and economic sciences into a single whole, to solve theoretical and practical solutions for sustainable development. The National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” organized the event. One of the objectives of the conference is to evaluate possible approaches to the model taxonomy of “green” projects as a financial instrument aimed at systemic restructuring of the economy and reducing its carbon intensity in the world.
During a visit to Tashkent, Prof. Dr. A. Miceikiene visited the International Agriculture University and British Management University.
During the meeting at International Agrarian University, she met with Rector Dr. Munira Aminova and vice-rector Dr. Slawomir Wroblewski. She discussed possibilities of cooperation in the exchange of students and staff within Erasmus+, as well as the creation of new teaching fields. Joint master’s studies and programmes for PhD students are also possible.
During the visit to British Management University, Prof. Dr. A. Miceikiene met with Rector Dr. Conrad Ozog and discussed possibilities of organizing double degree programmes in management, common courses for students, and summer schools.