The student survey “Teaching and learning evaluation” is underway | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

The student survey “Teaching and learning evaluation” is underway

The University has launched the student survey Teaching and learning evaluation in 2021 spring semester. In the end of each semester all the students of bachelor, master, integrated and professional studies are invited to share an opinion about teachers and their own work during the semester study subjects. The survey is anonymous!

In order to enhance the objectivity of evaluation, the survey is open until the 23rd of May, i. e. by the main examination session. Teachers will be able to observe the results related to their courses in the middle of June. This choice was initiated in order to increase the objectivity of the survey results:

  1. students could present their opinion (which would not have been influenced by the final assessment of the study subject) on teaching and studying more objectively;
  2. at the end of teaching the study subject and organising the final assessment, the opinion of the students expressed in the survey would not affect the teachers.

The survey is of a general nature, so teachers can respond to students’ suggestions in preparation for the next semester’s study subjects.

The opinion expressed in the survey is significant for making decisions of study quality. Students are invited to dedicate their time and participate in the survey – to give an opinion and thus contribute to the improvement of the quality of studies. Please be active and complete the questionnaire in the student self-service portal.

Teachers are asked to encourage students to participate in the survey Teaching and learning evaluation. When the results of the survey are available, we will invite you to take into account the provided students’ opinion and to introduce other students with the decisions made in the first classes of study subjects.

In order to achieve the quality of studies, we invite you to be conscious, social and active!

More information:

  • VMU Study Quality Unit