The student survey “Teaching and learning evaluation” is underway
At the end of each semester, all students of bachelor, master, integrated and professional studies are invited to share their opinion about teachers’ and their own work during the study courses. The Autumn semester survey has started at University, and it will be open until the 23rd of December.
The link to the survey Teaching and learning evaluation can be found on the main window of the Student Portal, the survey is anonymous. Students have a possibility to follow the data on the participation in the survey as they can see the number and percentage of questionnaires received for each study course on the Student Portal.
The survey is of a summative nature, so teachers will be able to respond to students’ suggestions while preparing for the study courses of the next semesters. While the survey is ongoing, teachers can monitor the information about student participation on the Teacher Portal, and they will be able to get acquainted with students’ responses from the middle of June.
Teachers are asked to encourage students to take part in the survey Teaching and learning evaluation.
We invite you to participate actively!