Training visit to Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and attendance in the international conference | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Training visit to Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and attendance in the international conference

In September 16-20, 2019 professors PhD Algirdas Jasinskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering) and Kęstutis Romaneckas (Vytautas Magnus University, Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy) visited Czech University of Life Sciences Prague according to the programme ERASMUS+ training.

The main objectives of visit were the increase of professional skills in scientific analytical and study spheres through technological-technical and environmental evaluation of technologies and analysis of new methods of soil remediation and mitigation of erosion. Besides, principles of Precision agriculture and methods of fields censoring will take part in this training visit. Also to attend international scientific conference with presentations: TAE 2019 – 7th International Conference On Trends In Agricultural Engineering; to grow up the relations with scientists and teachers in Czech Republic for future collective scientific and study projects development; to increase skills in English during training visit.

In scientific conference professors presented two oral presentations. Two articles were published in materials of conference (CA WOS Conference Proceedings). In free time, professors made sightseeing in wonderful places of Prague.

The following are a few photos of a visit to Czech University of Life Sciences and Technologies in Prague.