Training visit to RHIZO-MIC UG in Germany by Erasmus+ program   | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Training visit to RHIZO-MIC UG in Germany by Erasmus+ program  

Nijolė Maršalkienė researcher of the Institute of Ecology and Environment, had been to RHIZO-MIC UG enterprise in Germany for training visit by Erasmus program. A training visit was organised from 25 to 28 February 2018.

The aim of training visit at RHIZO-MIC UG was focused on learning about the practical aspects of production, formulation and application of microbial products containing beneficial microorganisms in agriculture and using as soil improvers, bio-fertilizers, biostimulants, plant protection agents, having positive effects on plant production and helping plants to with-stand biotic and abiotic stress situations.

During the training session, the Institute of Biosciences in Bernburg (Anhalt University of Applied Science) visited also, with aim to get the experience and knowledge in the field of evaluating bioactive secondary metabolites from endophytic microorganisms for cosmetic, pharmacological and agricultural applications. The visit in laboratories and training on antagonistic activities of endophytic bacteria on pathogenic fungi was done.

Nijolė Maršalkienė had an opportunity to present the research of the Institute of Ecology and Environment done in the field of beneficial microorganisms for agriculture application and discussed about the future cooperation.