UNeECC Annual Conference will take place at VMU Agriculture Academy: 5-7 October 2022. Save the date!

Photo: visit.kaunas.lt
With Kaunas becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2022, the role of universities in the development of the cultural and scientific program is extremely important. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) became the new member of University Network of the European Capitals of Culture (UNeECC). With the initiative of UNeECC, the annual conferences at the universities of European Capitals of Culture is organised each year. In 2022 the annual conference will be organized by VMU and will take place at VMU Agriculture Academy.
Conference Title: Culture and Nature – Partners in Dialogue
Conference Date: 5-7 October 2022
Conference Place: Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania
More information regarding registration, call for abstracts, and more will be updated soon at the websites of VMU Agriculture Academy and UNeECC.
We look forward to connecting with you for the UNeECC Annual Conference!
More information about VMU engagement in European Capitals of Culture environment.
UNeECC is a network that aims to ensure the recognition of the role and contribution of universities to the success of the cities conferred the title “European Capital of Culture”, to provide the member universities with a possibility of continuous and full participation in the European Capitals of Culture movement, and to foster inter-university cooperation to develop and reshape the universities’ regional position to create new activities for cities and universities.