VDŪ ŽŪA starts the cooperation with Tashkent State Agrarian University

On March 17th 2021 took place an online meeting between the representatives from VMU Agriculture Academy (VDU ŽŪA) and Tashkent State Agrarian University. VMŪ ŽŪA was represented by the Chancellor prof. dr. Astrida Miceikienė, Vice-Chancellor prof. dr. Aušra Blinstrubienė, international coordinator lect. dr. Ekaterina Makrickienė and deans of faculties: doc. dr. Bernardas Vaznonis, prof. dr. Edmundas Bartkevičius, doc. dr. Algis Kvaraciejus and doc. dr. Roandas Domeika. Tashkent State Agrarian University was represented by Vice-Rectors dr. Abduaziz Abduvasikov, dr. Sohib Islamov, dr. Komolitdin Sultonov and deans of faculties. During the meeting, it was decided to develop cooperation in the preparation of double diploma programs, organization of internships for students and lecturers, student exchanges, organization of joint seminars, scientific conferences and projects. It was decided in the nearest future the sides will sign the Memorandum of Understanding, and begin the cooperation in the development of double diploma programs with the faculties of Bioeconomy Development, Forest Sciences and Ecology and Agronomy.