Visit for short teaching assignment to Pristina University, Republic of Kosovo

Professor Petras Punys (Institute of Water Resources Engineering) on 22nd – 27th April, 2019 within the frame of Erasmus + program (Staff mobility for teaching) visited the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”, Republic of Kosovo.
This university is the institution that emerged after the disestablishment of the University of Pristina (1969–1999) as a result of the Kosovo War. Now the University of Prishtina has 17 faculties, of which 14 are academic faculties, and 3 are faculties of applied sciences.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture has two departments: 1) Department of Civil Engineering and 2) Architecture In the Department of Civil Engineering, the studies take place in the following study programs: 1) Construction; 2) Hydraulic Engineering; 3) Geodesy (BA) and 4) Road Infrastructure, while in the Department of Architecture studies are conducted in general direction.
Prof Punys gave a series of lectures in English (8h) on Multicriteria Analysis for Water Management, Hydrology and Hydropower Software and Hydrologic Modelling System for 1st year master students and a few of 1st cycle students. Each lecture was attended by some 20 students.
There were also discussions with colleagues of this department on the opportunities for the exchange of teachers, initiation of joint projects and accreditation of study programs.
Information on study and research activities taking place at our Academy and Water and Land Management faculty was presented, promotional materials disseminated for the students.