Visit to Slovakian Agriculture University in Nitra
Prof. Astrida Miceikienė from the Research Institute for Bioeconomy (Faculty of Bioeconomy development) visited Slovakian agriculture university in Nitra on 30/09/2019 – 04/10/2019. She came to this University for teaching visit and participated in the celebration of 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Faculty of Economic and Management. This events attended 480 guests from 16 countries, 30 partner faculties and university and 27 business partners
Astrida Miceikienė taught master students on the topics of tax and taxation of Lithuania and EU. During the visit the professor met with the researchers from the Faculty of Economics and Management, guests of the Faculty and discussed opportunities for cooperation. She presented study programs of the Faculty of Bioeconomy development and the possibilities for exchanges studies at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. During the stay at the Faculty the possible cooperation in research, the inter-university cooperation within the framework of the Erasmus + program establish and strengthen the scientific cooperation were discussed with Dean of the Faculty prof. Elena Horska. Astrida Miceikiene was presented research fields at Faculty of Bioeconomy development, projects and research journals.