Visit to University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, AUSTRIA

Kęstutis Navickas professor of the Institute of Energy and Biotechnology Engineering institute (faculty of Agricultural Engineering) visited Institute for Environmental Biotechnology of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria) in the period of 07-11.10.2019.
During this visit K. Navickas participated on a joint IEA Bioenergy Task 43 and BioEast Initiative Workshop „Bio-hubs as keys to successful biomass supply integration for bioenergy within the bioeconomy“. Discussions with bioenergy experts about sustainable and reliable biomass supply in a form of bio-hubs for bioenergy within the broader scope of bioeconomy and mobilizing sustainable biomass supply and increased value added along the value chain. BioEast Initiative foresee that the gathered knowledge and shared experience will contribute to the improvement of sustainable biomass mobilisation for energy purposes, notably in the BioEast macro-region.