Visit under the "Erasmus+" programme for staff at Yerevan State University | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Visit under the “Erasmus+” programme for staff at Yerevan State University

During 6-10th May, assoc. prof. of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Bioeconomy Development assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Makutėnienė visited Yerevan State University in Armenia as a part of the “Erasmus+” programme for staff. She gave lectures on the topics of bioeconomy and circular bioeconomy to the students of the first cycle of the 3rd year of Faculty of Economics and Management, and shared their good examples in Lithuania. The docent also introduced VMU Agriculture Academy and Faculty of Bioeconomy Development to the students, the study programs, and invited them to come and study at the university. She discussed with the dean of the faculty and colleagues about the peculiarities of studies, the possibilities of cooperation, and visited the university library.