VMU AA students and employees have the opportunity to listen to the study subject “Econometrics” (Prof. Dr. Vesa Niskanen, Finland)

In the spring semester, the study subject “Econometrics” will be taught remotely to foreign bachelor students at the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of Vytautas Magnus University Agricultural Academy (VDU AA). The lecturer is professor dr. Vesa Niskanen, University of Helsinki, Finland.
We invite VDU AA students and employees to listen to this study subject.
Lectures and exercises will be held on Fridays in a non-auditory environment: lectures at 11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., exercises at 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The study subject “Econometrics” is free of charge for VMU employees. Registration is required when filling out the application.
VMU AA study administration coordinator
doc. dr. Rasa Čingienė
Phone +370 682 22 874
E-mail rasa.cingiene@vdu.lt