VMU AA representatives visit to the Republic of South Korea

Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) chancellor prof. dr. A. Miceikienė and VMU AA international coordinator assoc. prof. dr. Ekaterina Makrickiene, invited by the Embassy of Lithuania in the Republic of South Korea, together with the delegation from the Ministry of agriculture visited Seoul – the capital of the Republic of South Korea.
The aim of the visit was to strengthen the partnerships with the current partner universities and to establish new connections for the cooperation both in scientific and study fields. The Embassy of Lithuania in the Republic of South Korea helped to organize the visits to the universities, and the ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania Ričardas Šlepavičius and the minister of agriculture Kęstutis Navickas joined the visits together with VMU AA delegates. During the visit, VMU AA delegates visited Seoul National University, Korea University, Chungnam National University, Jeonbuk National University and National Institute of Forest Research.
The representatives of the Korean institutions were invited to visit Lithuania. It is planned that the collaboration with the existing and new partners will be performed in the fields of common research, double diploma programmes, student and staff exchange in the priority research areas of VMU AA.