VMU Agriculture Academy scientists visited Bialystok University of Technology

Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) lecturers from the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, Business and Rural Development Management Department associate professor dr. Lina Marcinkeviciute and lecturer Jolanta Vilkeviciute visited Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) under the “Erasmus+” programme during 6-11 of June.
BUT was established in 1949 and has a long tradition of educating engineers and young scientists. Now there are studying 8500 students and working 660 teachers – experts in their fields. BUT has 7 Faculties (Departments). L. Marcinkeviciute and J. Vilkeviciute visited Department of Finance and Accounting of Faculty of Engineering Management, university library.
During the visit scientists presented VMU AA Faculty of Bioeconomy Development, the main research fields and gave lectures for bachelors in the area of Law and Management.
Lecturers had discussions with the dr. hab. Prof. Zbigniew Korzeb and hab. Dr. Zofia Kołoszko-Chomentowska about the possibilities for cooperation in projects, common scientific articles, student’s and lecturer’s exchange opportunities between institutions.
The main purpose of the visit was to collect data for research, to strengthen the cooperation within “Erasmus+” programme and to establish contacts with the staff of the host institution that can lead to joint implementation of new research projects in the future.