VMU Agriculture Academy scientists visited the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU) has a long-term partnership with Vytautas Magnus University (VMU). Universities cooperate by exchanging visits under ERASMUS+ teaching and learning programs, participating in international conferences, preparing applications for joint research projects, publishing scientific results and participating in dissertations defence. Professor dr. Eglė Jotautienė and associate professor dr. Antanas Juostas from VMU Agriculture Academy Faculty of Engineering Department of Agricultural Engineering and Safety visited the Faculty of Engineering of LLU under the Erasmus+ Teacher Mobility Program. Lecturers gave lectures on organic agricultural waste use for the production of organic fertilizer, the telemetry data evaluation of the combine harvesters. During the visit, prof. E. Jotautienė and assoc. prof. A. Juostas made presentations in LLU 21st International Scientific Conference. Prof. E. Jotautienė was the chairman of the conference section “Materials Science, Renewable Energy and GHG Emissions”.
During the visit, the organization of studies, teaching methodology, methodology of final theses preparation and final results, material study base, communication culture of teachers and students in LLU were introduced. The gained experience will be useful in adopting the best practices of the studies at VMU. The visit will strengthen the further cooperation not only in studies, but also in the development of research projects and research. The involvement of master’s and doctoral students in joint research has been discussed.
Professor dr. Eglė Jotautienė and associate professor dr. Antanas Juostas