VMU Agriculture Academy scientists visited the University of Trieste

On June 13-14th, scientists of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy visited the University of Trieste in Italy. During the teaching visit associate professor dr. Anželika Dautarte and international coordinator lecturer dr. Ekaterina Makrickiene paid special attention to the discussion of possibilities of double diploma programs with partners from the “Transform4Europe” University Alliance. Vytautas Magnus University was also represented by Faculty of Natural Sciences professor dr. Algimantas Paulauskas.
The meeting was attended not only by the representatives of Vytautas Magnus University and the University of Trieste, also by the staff of University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland) and the University of Sofia (Sofia, Bulgaria). The partners actively discussed the aims and content of the double degree study program and started comparing the content of individual subjects. It is planned to complete the structure of the programme in the nearest future and move on to the preparation of the contract.