VMU Assumes Presidency of the Transform4Europe Alliance

As of November 1st, Vytautas Magnus University has begun its one-year presidency of the Transform4Europe (T4EU) alliance. Among the key objectives of this presidency are the initiation of joint study programs at all levels, the strengthening of entrepreneurial skills, the engagement of the community towards common goals, and an extensive program of diverse events and activities.
Until November of next year, VMU will lead this alliance of eleven European universities, which aims to create joint structures, programs, and platforms for science and innovation, and most importantly, to strengthen the future vision, identity, and collaboration of T4EU. According to VMU Rector Prof. Dr. Juozas Augutis, significant changes can be achieved by working together and sharing knowledge.
“Universities are vital hubs where people meet, collaborate, and create innovative solutions to global challenges. We believe that by collaborating with a diverse community of partners – entrepreneurs, artists, politicians, and members of local communities – we can contribute to a positive transformation both in our countries and throughout Europe,” notes Prof. Juozas Augutis.
“We invite all partners to focus on areas such as continuous learning, visionary and ethical leadership, innovative and creative thinking, interdisciplinarity, and inclusivity. Professional excellence will be brought to the forefront by strengthening the development of community competencies, promoting civic engagement, and fostering social responsibility. We will invite a rethinking of the idea of the university, renewing its visionary and leadership role in contemporary society,” the Rector outlines the priorities.
The beginning of VMU’s presidency coincides with the opening of new T4EU alliance premises in the central building of VMU (28 S. Daukanto g., Kaunas). These spaces will become an important venue for the initiative’s activities, discussions, and ideas, intended for the entire university community – here, it will be able to create, grow, and pursue common goals.
Prof. Dr. Ineta Dabašinskienė
According to the Transform4Europe Institutional Coordinator, VMU Prof. Dr. Ineta Dabašinskienė, the foundation of the university’s presidential vision is close cooperation aimed at uniting ideas, visions, and, most importantly, people who are creative, broad-minded, and proactive.
“During VMU’s presidency of the alliance, we will strive to strengthen its image by focusing on meaningful work of international and national significance. We want Transform4Europe to become an example of how universities can successfully combine studies, research, and innovation, promoting the exchange of students, lecturers, and staff, implementing joint projects, and creating new joint study programs. We believe that only by pooling knowledge and experience can we participate in solving national and global challenges and creating long-term solutions,” says Prof. Dr. Ineta Dabašinskienė.
According to the Transform4Europe Institutional Coordinator, collaboration is the cornerstone of this vision, connecting disciplines, bringing institutions closer together, and fostering creative promoters and initiators of change.
During its presidency of the Transform4Europe alliance, VMU is planning an extensive program of events, including the “Idea of the University” forum, International Mother Language Day, T4EU Week of Professional Excellence, the student conference “Freedom to Create,” European Day of Languages, a student symposium at the Venice Biennale, the T4EU Strategic Assembly, and other events.