Workshop on the “Yara” sensor application options

Bioeconomy Research Centre of Excellence (BioTec) invites teachers, researchers, PhD candidates and students to attend a presentation and training session on the Yara sensor, which will showcase the capabilities of this equipment and its application options in scientific research.
Date: November 6th 2024, 11:00-13:00
Place: Rapsų str. 7, Noreikiškės, Kaunas district (VMU AA Experimental Station, Kernza Experiment (VIKING))
Duration: 3 ac. hours
This workshop is one of the activities of the project “Development of the Bioeconomy Research Centre of Excellence (BioTec)”. The project is partially funded by a grant (Project ‘Development of the Bioeconomy Research Center of Excellence’ (BioTEC) No. S-A-UEI-23-14) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania under the Program ‘University Excellence Initiative’.
The experiment is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, international research and development project “Kernza introduction opportunities in the Nordic-Baltic region” (VIKING) (No TM-23-3).