Conference “AgroEco2024”: bringing scientists of the world together to celebrate 100 years of agricultural progress

The 5th international conference “AgroEco 2024“ marks a dual milestone: the 100th anniversary of the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) and a decade-long tradition of fostering international collaboration in sustainable agriculture. The conference embodies a global commitment to innovation in agriculture, addressing pressing issues like climate change and food security while fostering collaboration across nations.
Continuing a decade-long tradition
VMU Agriculture Prof. Dr. Zita Kriaučiūnienė noted that it is the fifth international “AgroEco2024“ conference, continuing a decade’s tradition of bringing together global experts to tackle challenges in sustainable agriculture. “Today is a momentous occasion, as we not only open our fifth international conference ‘AgroEco2024’, but also celebrate the 100th anniversary of Agriculture Academy. It’s our honor to share this milestone. This year’s conference brings over hundreds of participants from all around the world, representing countries such as Lithuania, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Poland, Belgium, Turkey, Latvia, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Estonia, Brazil, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan – more than 20 oral and over 40 poster presentations”, said scientist.
“These presentations delve into critical topics such as soil health, carbon sequestration and the shift toward pesticides-free agriculture. These discussions are essential as we navigate the challenges of climate change and global food security. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the organizing and scientific committees for their tireless work in making this event a success, and to our partners for their invaluable support“, said scientist.
Forefront of agriculture education and research
Representative of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Žydrė Kadžiulienė noted that throughout the 100 years the academy community has been at the forefront of agriculture education and research, creating opportunities for innovation and powerful ideas for generations. “You are successfully doing it today and you will do it in the future. Today’s conference, International Scientific Conference “AgroEco2024“, reflects your ability and disposition to be part of international science“, said Dr. Žydrė Kadžiulienė.
She paid attention that sustainability of agroecosystems, soil health, climate change are key questions that concern scientists, farmers and society in Lithuania, in Europe as well as in the world. “Diversification of agricultural systems and the regeneration of soil functions are crucial importance for many farming systems and this is very related to agroecosystems. Agroecosystems involve all the interactions between biotic and antibiotic features in an agriculture area. Understanding how agroecosystems work is very important to better understanding and to better solutions for sustainable agriculture. Moreover, well-managed agroecosystems can help mitigate the challenges of climate change. Therefore, scientific insights, scientific results, and new proposals are very necessary“ said Dr. Žydrė Kadžiulienė.
A great step forward in finding the best methods
Representative from the Ministry of Agriculture Saulius Jasius noted that there could not be recipes or magic formulas on most effective initiatives for development of sustainable agriculture, however, serious discussions during this conference may be a great step forward in finding the best answers on what sustainable production methods should be promoted for farmers. “I believe that the conference will help to open eyes not only for the government, but to all of us, and particularly to farmers, explaining to them what are the benefits of sustainable agribusiness. It is a great pleasure to welcome to this conference, “AgroEco2024“, the scholars and research people from a variety of countries.
Your experience, expertise, and readiness to share your knowledge and ideas are highly valuable and needed“, said Saulius Jasius.
Main focus on sustainability, ecology, soil health, and food safety
Assoc. prof. dr. Rytis Skominas, Director of the Bioeconomy Research Institute at the VMU Agriculture Academy, emphasized the significant transformations in Lithuania and its agricultural sector over the past century. “Over the last 100 years, we have witnessed numerous changes, including major geopolitical developments and, more recently, the challenges posed by global warming. In response, the Agriculture Academy has charted its own path, prioritizing sustainability, ecology, soil health, and food safety. Today, we are proud to celebrate the Academy’s centennial anniversary and inaugurate the 5th International Conference“, said scientist Rytis Skominas. The scientist concluded his speech with gratitude and a wish that the conference would leave everyone with great impressions, new ideas, and valuable connections.