Study subjects
Technical Mechanics; Engineering Mechanics; Machine Mechanics; Theoretical mechanics (statics, kinematics); Theoretical Mechanics (dynamics); Theory of Mechanisms and Machines; Machine Elements and Replaceability; Numeric Analysis of Constructions; Basics of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Design and Modelling; Computer aided Analysis of Constructions; Computer aided Design; Agricultural Machinery Design; Dynamics of Mechanics Systems; Finite Element Method; Particle Ballistics in the Agriculture Machines; Using of Oscillation in Agriculture; Quality Management.
Agricultural Technologies and Machinery; Control of Agricultural Technological Processes;
Tillage Technologies; Crop Harvesting Machinery; Technologies and Machinery of Harvesting Root Crops and Vegetables; Soil Mechanics; Theory of Plant Growing Machinery; Theory of Harvesting Machinery; Dynamic of Agricultural Machinery; Testing of Agricultural Machinery; Precision Agriculture; Biomass Production Engineering; Biomass Cultivation and Handling Machinery; Harvesting Machinery of Biomass; Energetic Evaluation of Biofuel Preparation to the Conversion Technologies; Theory of Biomass Production Technological Processes.
Human Safety; Human and Machinery Safety; Ergonomics Elements and Occupational Safety Management; Occupational Risk and its Management; Quality Control and Certification; Engineering and Technology Marketing; Engineering Supply Logistics; Environmental Engineering; Mineral Waste Management; Physical Technological Environment Pollution; Environmental Engineering and Management; Safety Engineering; Ergonomics; Prognostication and Simulation of Situations Emergency; Environmental Vibroacoustic Processes and their Control; Occupational Risk Management; Engineering of Ecology; Methodology of Research Work; Total Quality Management.