Visit of scientists of VMU AA to Warsaw university of life sciences | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Visit of scientists of VMU AA to Warsaw university of life sciences

The scientists of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) assoc. prof. dr. Midona Dapkienė (Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Engineering) and prof. dr. Laima Česonienė (Department of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology) visited the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) under the Erasmus+ mobility program on October 15th to 18th 2024.

Since 2023 Warsaw University of Life Sciences belongs to the Green European University (UNIgreen) in the frame of the European Universities Initiative. UNIgreen is an Alliance of eight European universities with a specific focus on sustainable agriculture, green biotechnology and environmental and life sciences, which are pivotal areas for achieving a resource-efficient, circular, digitised and climate neutral economy by 2050.

SGGW offers 40 study programs in Polish and 12 degree programs in English. The study programmes in Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering are offered by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of this University. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is the second biggest faculty of the University, where new engineers – construction, environment and water management specialists, land surveyors, as well as landscape designers and planners, are prepared.

The representatives of  VMU Agriculture Academy presented their University, gave the lectures and had an opportunity to meet the professor dr. Wojciech Sas (a Head of Geotechnical Department of Institute of Civil Engineering), assistant professors  dr. Justyna Dzięcioł and dr.  Andrzej Głuchowski, and to discuss the possibilities of the joint projects as well as to familiarize with the study process and reasearch at the Institute of Civil Engineering.