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VMU AA scientists visited the international conference “EcoMod 2022” and did an internship at the University of Ljubljana
Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) chancellor prof. dr. Astrida Miceikienė and PhD student Laima Skauronė participated in the international scientific conference on economic modeling and data science "EcoMod 2022" and did an internship at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). ...

4th International Scientific Conference AgroEco2022
We kindly invite You to participate in the 4th International Scientific Conference AgroEco2022: Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change which will be held at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), Lithuania, on Oct...

Forest fire research in Lithuania – what does the synergy of science and nature reveal?
Southern Illinois University professor Charles Ruffner, who visited the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), together with the Academy's dr. Michael Manton and colleagues are researching Lithuania’s forest fire history and show that trees can tell an important story. “I would sa...

Greetings from VMU AA Chancellor on September 1st
We welcome September 1st – the Day of Science and Knowledge – with an uplifted mood, excitement in our hearts and determination to achieve our goals with a new strength. Together we can do more – students, feeling the support of a friend and teacher, can achieve better study results, scientists, foc...

Вітання від канцера Сільскогосподарської Академії Університету ім. Вітовта Великого проф. др. Астріди Міцейкене з нагоди початку навчального року та Дня Знань
Дорогі студенти та науковці, Зустрічаємо 1 вересня – День науки і знань – з піднесеним настроєм, хвилюванням у серці та прагненням з новими силами досягати поставлених цілей. Разом ми можемо більше: студенти, відчуваючи підтримку друга та викладача, можуть досягти кращих результатів у навчанні; нау...

For first-year students – a tour of the VMU Agriculture Academy and visiting the faculties
On August 29 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) invite first-year students to meet the deans, fellow students and explore the Academy's spaces. 9 a.m. tour of the VMU AA. The tour will begin near the central building of the VMU Agricultural Academy (Studentų str. 11, Akademija,...