All news | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

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Student scientific conference „MODERN MANAGEMENT – PART OF CULTURAL POLICY”“

Dear students, We invite you to the student scientific conference "MODERN MANAGEMENT - PART OF CULTURAL POLICY" Which will be hald in 2020 March 19 10 am. Registration   for the conference is open until 2020 March 10 More  information  ...

Registration for Sports and Arts Activities has started

We kindly invite students of Vytautas Magnus university, who are studying in Kaunas, to register for sports and (or) arts Ž_for Spring semester 2019/2020, that are organized by VMU Sports Centre and VMU Arts Centre. All students of VMU are welcomed to join sports and arts activities regardless to...

Long lasting co-operation with WSB University in Poland

On January 20-24, 2020 assoc. Professor Jolita Greblikaite and lecturer Rolandas Rakstys were visiting WSB University in Poland. Co-operation between the two institutions is lasting from year 2015. Researchers were visiting this University at least three times. Common research papers, editorial acti...

ERASMUS+ Teaching visit in Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW

Professor Eglė Jotautienė and assoc. professor Antanas Juostas from Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety visited Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW by “Erasmus+” teaching mobility program (Staff Mobility for Teaching). Professors and researchers of VDU Agr...

Open Competition for University Fee Exemptions for Spring Semester

Vytautas Magnus university (VMU) has launched an open competition for university fee exemptions for Spring semester 2019/2020. The purpose of the competition is to achieve the mission of socially responsible university by reducing social exclusion, creating appropriate financial conditions for VMU s...

Visit to Bialystok university of technology

Lecturers from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty of Business and Rural Development Research Institute doc. dr. Lina Marcinkeviciute and lector Jolanta Vilkeviciute visited BIALYSTOK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY under the ERASMUS+ staff training programme during 15 - 17 of January 2020 . Bialystok Univ...