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VMU Academy of Agriculture researchers were visiting milk farms in Finland

On January 7-11, 2020 Assoc prof. Jolita Greblikaitė and lecturer Rolandas Rakštys (Vytautas Magnus University, Academy of Agriculture) were visiting milk farms at Finland, Tampere region. This visit is a part of the project with the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture, devoted to typical farms model...

MARHER project – 1st Meeting in Brussels

Dr. Rasa Pranskūnienė  and Erika Zabulioniene from Bioeconomy Development Faculty, Business and Rural Development Research Institute has attended the first meeting of partners in the Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships KA2 project – Heritage Marketing for competitiveness of Europe in the global market (...

26th International Scientific-practice Conference HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2020

Implementing coronavirus prevention measures at Vytautas Magnus University Contact events of the 26th International Scientific-Practice Conference HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2020 are cancelled Conference presentations in sections will be organized remotely.   6 - 8 May 2020 LT              ...

Visit to the Khmelnitsky National University

Professor Juozas Padgurskas (Institute of the Transport and Machinery Engineering) visited Khmelnitsky National University on 02 – 06 December2019 ( Khmelnitsky National University – is the largest higher educational institution in Podo...

ERASMUS+ teaching visit to Cady Ayyad university, Morocco

Assoc. prof. dr. Dalia Perkumiene and lecturer dr. Rasa Pranskuniene from Bioeconomy Development Faculty, Business and Rural Development Research Institute have visited Cady Ayyad university, (Morroco) during the 24th – 30th of November. They were invited by prof. Youssef Makloul and PhD student Jao...