Department of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting
The curriculum and quality of the study programmes at the Department are supervised by the Study Programme Committees, which coordinate the following studies:
- undergraduate/Bachelor (Accounting and Finance),
- graduate/Master (Accounting and Finance, Agricultural Economics, MBA Customs Process Management),
- postgraduate/Doctoral (Social Sciences, Economics (04S)).
- Bioeconomy development and contribution to the European Green Deal and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Sustainable development, competetiveness and circularity of agri-food systems
- Economic evaluation of ecosystem services
- Green finance instruments, markets and role in economic transformation
- Accounting and auditing research for sustainable economic development
Key projects launched / conducted on the international level:
- The three-year (2019-2022) HORIZON 2020 project “Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries” (BIOEASTsUP) carried out by the researchers of the Department. The overall objective of BIOEASTsUP project is to support the BIOEAST initiative in the implementation of its Vision for 2030 and Action Plan for transition of 11 Central and Eastern European (CEE) to bioeconomy. This will be done by engaging the relevant stakeholders, accenting sustainable circular bioeconomy on the CEE governments’ agenda improving macro-regional cooperation formats with downstream and upstream linkages of agri-food sector, and supporting national bioeconomy strategies development. The project coordinator is Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, Poland.
- The INTERREG project “Unlocking the potential of bio-based value chains in the Baltic sea region” (BalticBiomass4Value) was carried out in 2019-2021. Project goal – to enhance capacity of public and private actors within the BSR to produce bioenergy in more environmentally sustainable and economically viable way, by utilizing new biomass sources (chiefly, biological waste) for energy production, as well as possibilities to use bioenergy side streams for high value bio-products.
- Two ERASMUS + projects were launched in 2021: “A Digital Learning platform for Generation Z: Passport to IFRS” (PASSIFRS) (2021-2023) and “New Master’s Degree Curricula for Sustainable Bioeconomy in Uzbekistan” (BioEcUz) (2021-2024).
- In 2017-2021, the COST program project “Safety Culture and Risk Management in Agriculture” was implemented.
- In 2019-2020, the researchers of the Department participated in the program of International Academic Partnership through the project “The Role of Small Farms in the Sustainable Development of the Agricultural and Food Sector in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe” of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).
- In 2017, Lithuanian Bioeconomy Development Feasibility Study was conducted by the Department researchers together with the partners from Norway and Latvia under commission of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania on the basis of the public procurement contract. The Feasibility Study involved the assessment of the condition and potential of bioeconomy in Lithuania, included the recommendations on development of bioeconomy and promotion of innovations.
- In 2013–2016, international research project was conducted by the Department researchers under the 7th framework programme and RURAGRI ERA-NET “Rethinking the links between farm modernization, rural development and resilience in a world of increasing demands and finite resources” (RETHINK).
Key projects conducted on the national level:
- 2020: “Study (evaluation) of agricultural policy measures for 2003-2018 with a view to a more effective agricultural policy and the economic and social viability of small and medium-sized farms”
- 2019-2020: “Development of typical farm models for sustainable dairy farms, scientific and economic substantiation of recommended solutions”.
- 2019: „Strategic Guidelines for Lithuanian Bioeconomy“.
- 2019: „Investigation of Alternatives of Cost Accounting and Costing for Agricultural Business Entities“.
- 2017-2018: „Pricing Model for Certified Products and Services“. Commercialized service provided for VšĮ „Ekoagros“.
- 2017: „Investigation of Impact of Biological Asset Classification and Valuation Alternatives on Financial Performance of Agricultural Business Entities“.
- 2016: “Economic and financial substantiation of the economic and environmental risk management at the farms by the means of insurance”.
- 2016: „Modelling of Farmer‘s Farm Accounting Policy Formation in the Context of International Accounting Regulations“.
- 2016: „Improvement of Taxation System for Farmers and Other Persons Engaged in Agricultural Activity“.
- 2015–2016: “Preparation of an integrated risk assessment and management model for agriculture”.
- 2015-2016: “External and internal risk factors, threats and crises in agriculture, food economy and fishery and their potential effect”.
- 2013-2014: “Scientific recommendations on the applied research in agriculture, food economy, fishery, and rural development and development of innovations in the period 2014 – 2020”.
In 2016, the University has launched EU Innovation Partnership (EIP) projects. EIP projects support joint activities between farmers, forest managers, scientists, agricultural and forestry consultants and other actors in the rural development sector. The main objective is to develop competitive and sustainable agriculture and forestry through knowledge and innovation in products, processes, technologies, production and / or service methods. The Department’s researchers led or participated in the following EIP projects (2016-2019): „The Centre for Knowledge Accumulation, Transfer, Development of Agricultural Technologies and their Demonstration“, „Competitive Farm“ and „Soil Moisture Regulation“.
The dissertation “Optimization of the tax system combining the interests of family farms and government in agriculture ” (Erika Besusparienė) was defended at the Department of Applied Economics, Accounting and Finance in 2020, and two dissertations in 2021: ” Assessment of the impact of the nitrogen fertilizer tax on the greenhouse gas emissions ” (Aušra Nausėdienė) and “Assessment of the impact of derivative speculation on agricultural product prices in global commodity markets ” (Algirdas Justinas Staugaitis).
PhD dissertations are being prepared at the Department, four of which are directly related to bioeconomy development: “The evaluation of environmentally sustainable growth in agriculture in the European Union”; “Evaluation of sustainable competitiveness of farms by integrating agri-environmental variables”; “Integrated assessment of the economic and environmental effectiveness of environmental subsidies in agriculture”; “Valuation of connectedness between green finance and other financial asset and it’s determinants in global financial market”.
Assoc. prof. dr. Dalia Juočiūnienė/Head of the Department
Tel.: +370 37 752140
Universiteto St.10, room 226, 53361 Akademija Kaunas district