Agrobiology Laboratory
Short description
The Agrobiology Laboratory was established as part of integrated science, business and study centre Nemunas Valley. The Laboratory launched its activities on 7 December 2013 when the open-access Joint Research Centre of Agriculture and Forestry was opened. Researchers working at the Agrobiology Laboratory conduct research on agricultural plants, soil properties, and soil microbiota, organize seminars, participate in the national and international conferences, disseminate their research findings, and participate in professional development training and internship. Researchers at the Laboratory collaborate with the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry and other Lithuanian and foreign research institutions and conduct studies commissioned by business companies. The Agrobiology Laboratory operates under the principle of open access, i.e. its resources are available not only to the staff, students, or fellows at the respective institutions, but also to the stakeholders representing other institutions or business entities in accordance with the Regulations on Management and Provision of Resources and Services of the Open-Access R&D Infrastructure.
List of services
- Soil particle size distribution analysis and measurement of particle size (range 0, 02 ̶ 2000μm) and volume by using the dry or wet sieving method.
- Measurement of size, molar mass, and Zeta potential of particles smaller than 1μm in liquids.
- Toxicity analysis of soil, drinking water, wastewater, chemicals, phytotoxicity analysis using biological methods and microbiotests.
- Analysis of soil water capacity, water potential, pore geometry, water conductivity, and evaporation.
- Assessment of soil pore and moisture retention characteristics (plant available water at different groundwater levels, wilting point, porosity, capillary action, water capacity, etc.).
- Soil structure and aggregate stability.
- Soil carbonate content.
- Soil water and air permeability.
- Soil microbiota biomass, biomass carbon and CO2 emission (moisture, temperature) analysis.
- Soil biological activity and enzyme detection.
- Soil quality indicators and sustainable farming elements, and assessment thereof.
- Identification of straw amount and other plant residues on soil surface and in the soil.
Major and emerging research fields
- Sustainability and intensification of agricultural ecosystems using the precision farming and environmental measures;
- Mitigation and technological adaptation of the climate change effect on the agricultural ecosystems;
- Healthy soil and plants. Crop, weed, and soil ecology;
- Integrated plant protection and nutrition;
- Agrosystems research and biodiversity enhancement;
- Research in biology, ecology, and harmfulness of harmful organisms in agriculture and forests.
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- Recommendations published:
- Tvarus skirtingos genezės dirvožemių naudojimas / Naujausios rekomendacijos žemės ir miškų ūkiui, 2019, p. 4-8 (Sustainable use of soils of different genesis / Latest recommendations for agriculture and forestry)
- Tarpiniai pasėliai nualintų dirvožemių derlingumo atstatymui, 2019, 4 p. (Catch crops for restoration of the yield of depleted soils)
- Daugiamečių ankštinių žolių panaudojimas dirvožemio gerinimui augalininkystės ūkiuose, 2019, 4 p. (Use of perennial legumes for soil enhancement at crop production farms)
- Recommendations under project “Integrated Study of No-Till Technology and environmental economic assessment”. Final report, 2021, p. 130
- Application that helps select the most appropriate plants for catch crops
- Joint document on growing of catch crops for reduction of pollution in international Venta and Lielupe RBDs
- Catch crops and their growing potentials
- Agricultural practices in Venta and Lielupe RBDs
- Environmental effects of catch crops
- Cost and benefit analysis of catch crop application in Venta and Lielupe RBDs
Major projects, business orders
- Assessment of efficiency and viability of different cultivation technologies from the economic, energy, and environmental perspectives, No. A-02-20/20, 01/06/2020 to 10/11/2022
- Assessment of soil quality in Lithuania and development of the quality monitoring methodology and model No. MT-19-15, 08/07/2019 to 01/12/2021
- Integrated Study of No-Till Technology and environmental economic assessment, No. MT-19-10, 11/06/2019 01/12/2021
- Possibilities for restoration of sustainability of depleted and eroded soils at crop production farms (No. 14PA-KK-16-1-02856), 15/05/2017-30/05/2020
- Mineralization of plant residues by using the products of biological origin”. Contract with UAB Bioenergy LT No. A-06-68/17, 30/08/2017 to 30/11/2021
- The effect of long-term use of resources at different intensities on the soils of different genesis and other components of agricultural ecosystems (AGROTVARA) No. A-05-44/15 (contract No. SIT-9/2015), 27/08/2015 to 31/12/2018
Core researcher team
Prof. Dr. Vaclovas Bogužas; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zita Kriaučiūnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jūratė Aleinikovienė, Dr. Vaida Steponavičienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aušra Sinkevičienė, Prof. Dr. K. Romaneckas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Butkevičienė, Dr. Lina Skinulienė, PhD Inga Andruškaitė, PhD A. Sinkevičius, PhD Jovita Balandaitė.
Head of Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Vaclovas Bogužas
Phone (8-37) 75 22 33
Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology
Short description
The Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology pursues the following functions: fundamental and applied research in the fields of plant biotechnology, biology and physiology; R&D; development and implementation of modern technologies and innovations; dissemination and promotion of scientific knowledge; provision of open access and knowledge-intensive services; and development of highly skilled scientific potential.
Major and emerging research fields
- Assessment of plant morphological parameters and physiological processes under simulated climatic conditions.
- Assessment of the in vitro and in vivo effects of various factors (macro-, micro-elements, and amino acids, plant protection products, etc.) on plants.
- Plant micropropagation in vitro and in vivo.
- Consultancy and training in plant biotechnology.
Major projects, business orders
- “Studies on the effects of carbon fertiliser prototypes on the C4 type model plant” have been commissioned by a business and public access to the results cannot be provided.
- “Laboratory investigations of the effects of carbon fertiliser prototypes on plant development” have been commissioned by a business and public access to the results cannot be provided.
- “In vivo studies of factors determining plant resistance to abiotic stresses” have been commissioned by a business and public access to the results cannot be provided.
Core researcher team
Teachers, PhD students, Msc students, and BSc students at the Faculty of Agronomy
Head of Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Natalija Burbulis
Centre of Agroecology
Short description
In 1995, the Centre for Agroecology was established at the initiative of the former Lithuanian University of Agriculture, with the support of the Swedish researchers with the aim of developing organic agriculture in Lithuania. It was the first centre of its kind in the Baltic countries. To further develop organic farming, an organic production farm was established at the University in 1997, and a plot of land on the Training Farm of the University was assigned to the Centre. The farm serves as the fundamental and applied research facility of the Centre for Agroecology used for testing and implementation of new organic farming technologies, implementation of important research, and training of the farmers, consultants, teachers and students. The PhD, MSc, and BSc students conduct their research at the organic production farm as the basis for their theses and dissertations. Fundamental research on the impact of organic and intensive farming on agricultural ecosystems started in 1996 and have continued until present. The Centre for Agroecology pursues the following main objectives: collection, accumulation, and dissemination of information on organic farming; provision of advice to consultants, teachers and farmers; organisation of seminars, workshops, training courses and conferences; provision of the methodological assistance on organic farming issues to the University staff and non-university educational and research bodies; implementation of new technologies at the University and other organic production farms in Lithuania; provision of practical training to students and farmers at the facilities of the organic production farms; organization and implementation of research; and publishing activities.
The Centre for Agroecology is a member of the “Green Intelligence” cluster at the Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University. It is intensively engaged in educational and consultancy activities. Intensive work is carried out on the development of new technologies and new fertiliser products for organic production.
Major and emerging research fields
Key research fields: biodiversity, sustainability and change in agricultural ecosystems, management and recycling of biodegradable wastes, and management of soil biodegradation processes.
Activities in the following scientific fields are conducted:
- Biodiversity, sustainability and change in agroecosystems under the action of different climate and farming systems conditions
- Research on the effect of long-term organic and intensive farming on agricultural ecosystems
- Research and development of innovative technologies for the management and recycling of wastes, by-products of production, various organic materials, and development of new products, soil conditioners and fertilisers
- Research on plant nutrition problems, development of new fertilisers and soil conditioners, cultivation technologies and quality assessment of cultivated products in organic farming systems
- Research on the impact of agricultural ecosystems on climate change and soil biodegradation processes.
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Innovative new technologies and products developed
No. | Technology and products | Year |
1. | Organic fertiliser pellet plant developed (with UAB Agrolinija) | 2014 |
2. | Vermicompost pellet production technology developed and pelleted vermicompost fertiliser produced | 2014 |
3. | Technology for production of fly ash pellet fertiliser developed and fly ash pellet fertilizer produced | 2014 |
4. | Agrolinija-MK organic ground compost and Agrolinija-GRAN granular compost fertiliser developed | 2015 |
5. | Technology for the production of liquid organic fertilisers developed | 2015 |
6. | Agrolinija-S and Agrolinija-S Super liquid organic fertilisers developed | 2015 |
7. | JP RENLIS organic powdered organic fertiliser and granular organic fertiliser developed | 2016 |
8. | JP RENLIS organic liquid organic fertiliser developed | 2016 |
9. | A prototype granular organic fertiliser with serpentinite developed | 2016 |
10. | Complex mineral NPK fertiliser with serpentinite developed | 2016 |
11. | Granular serpentinite fertiliser developed | 2016 |
12. | Technology for composting of food waste recycled by the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae developed | 2017-2018 |
13. | Technology for composting of food waste recycled by the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae with wood waste and straw developed | 2017-2018 |
14. | Technology for pelletization of the compost of food waste recycled by the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae developed | 2017-2018 |
15 | Granular fertiliser made of comost of food waste recycled by the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens), compost with wood waste and straw developed | 2017-2018 |
Major projects, business orders
- Research project “Investigation of the properties of magnesium hydrosilicate, its granulation, development of technologies for the production of magnesium hydrosilicate, organic and mineral pelletized fertilisers containing magnesium hydrosilicate, production of prototypes of these fertilisers and investigation of their properties” (coordinator Assoc. Prof. Juozas Pekarskas). Customer: UAB RUSTONA LT (2015-2017). The project involved the development of prototypes of granular serpentinite, granular NPK fertilisers containing serpentinite and organic granular fertilisers containing serpentinite, as well as their production technologies.
- Research project “Development of innovative technologies for composting of food and other wastes and recycling of the produced compost using the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens)” (coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr Juozas Pekarskas). Juozas Pekarskas). Customer: UAB BIASTRA (2017-2018). The project involved the development of a prototype technology for the composting of food waste recycled by the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae, and several prototypes of organic granular food waste fertilisers. These technologies were further developed and prepared for industrial production. In 2018, the Lithuanian Business Confederation nominated Aleksandras Stulginskis University (present: VMU Agriculture Academy) for “Development of composting technology for recycled food waste from the larvae of the Black Flatworm (Hermetia illucens), and for the development of technologies for the production of compost and granular fertilisers and soil conditioners” under the nomination “Research Service to Business of the Year 2018” at the National Business Awards “Service of the Year 2018” and awarded the prize and diploma.
- Research project “Investigation of the efficiency of liquid organic fertilisers produced using ground manure compost of beef cattle and innovative cavitation equipment, and of effectiveness of the use of nitrogen fertilisers of different application techniques and liquid organic fertilisers in relation to agricultural plants” (coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr Juozas Pekarskas). Customer: UAB BIODINAMIKA (2018). This project involved investigation of the effectiveness and impact of previously developed liquid organic fertilisers on agricultural plants and soil properties.
- Research project “Investigation of the effectiveness of soil improvement using meat and bone meal in organic farming system” (coordinator Dr Juozas Pekarskas). Customer: UAB SCANDAGRA (2018-2019). This project investigated the impact of granular fertiliser products developed in Lithuania using meat and bone meal on agricultural plants and soil properties. The possibility of using meat and bone meal in organic production was investigated.
- Research project “Investigation of the properties and impact of organic matter and plant products recycled by Eisenia fetida worms and suitable for use in organic production, and of the produced vermicompost properties on the soil biodegradation processes and plants” (coordinator Dr Juozas Pekarskas). Customer: UAB EKOVORMAS (2019). This project involved investigation of the vermicomposts produced in Lithuania, their quality, impact on soil properties and organically cultivated plants.
Core researcher team
Head of the Centre for Agroecology, junior researcher Dr Juozas Pekarskas
Senior researcher Dr Ligita Baležentienė
Head of the Centre
Dr. Juozas Pekarskas
Phone: +370 671 03749
Aquaculture Center
VMU Agriculture Academy Aquaculture center in 2015 founded in closed recirculating systems complex (Fish breeding and Fish farming lab) gained analytical research equipment.
Central equipment are used for university undergraduate study program “Fisheries and aquaculture technology.”
VMU AA Aquaculture center aims – to ensure the fisheries sector education and training in the development of new teaching methods and means of improving fisheries and aquaculture technology research and study base here to concentrate on the material and human resources necessary to carry out fishery direction of university studies and research.
A fish breeding and fish farming recirculating systems laboratory, equipped with modern facilities, where you can explore a variety of fish breeding, farming and water quality parameters (nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, pH, etc.). Optimization issues.
- Participates in the fisheries and aquaculture sector and related activities, and coordinates the university’s participation in them.
- Develops and fosters VMU AA Aquaculture aquaculture and fisheries technology research and study base and human resources.
- Provides services, knowledge and knowledge-intensive products in the fisheries and aquaculture sector participants.
- Contributes to recovery of fish stocks, conservation and enhancement.
- Provides customized research and other works, publishes scientific and popular scientific articles, reports, etc. work.
- Participants fisheries specialist studies, training, seminars and conferences.
- Develops, adapts and promotes new technologies for the production of aquaculture, participate in exhibitions.
- Cherish fishing contributes to the control of fishing activities and fisheries development.
- Consulting and closed recirculation systems installation and operation issues;
- Training in the fisheries sector workers and those who want to install a closed recirculation systems;
- Fish production and processing, fish feed making technology improvements;
- Fish products have been used in various fields of search;
- Different species of fish incubation, optimal growth mode tests.
- We accept advance orders for various incubation of fish (trout, pike, sturgeon, whitefish, etc.).
- We do training (work with the closed recirculation systems);
- We prepare projects;
- We carry out water testing;
- We prepare the hardware.
Aquaculture Center
Universiteto str. 10, Akademija,
LT-53341 Kaunas distr., Lithuania
Ph. +370 614 25 057
Head of VMU AA Aquaculture center
Alvydas Žibas
Ph. +370 614 25 057
Laboratory of Chemical and Biochemical Research for Environmental Technology
Short description
The Laboratory was established as an independent unit of the Agriculture Academy in 1986. In the period from 1997 to 2012, it was functioning as a unit of the Institute of Environment. Currently, the Laboratory is a subdivision under the Department of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology, VMU Agriculture Academy. The research activities of the Laboratory are focused on the research of production, properties and environmental impact of liquid biofuels and bio-based lubricants. In addition, biogas refining processes for use in the transport sector are investigated. In 2010, integrated research on the use of microalgae for energy, fertilisers and biopolymers was launched. The Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. The Laboratory staff participate in international research projects and conduct research commissioned by the Research Council of Lithuania, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania and by economic entities. The Laboratory is used for research by MSc and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows.
Major and emerging research fields
- Technology Sciences, Environmental Engineering.
- Natural Sciences, Ecology and Environmental Science.
- Natural Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Principle technologies have been developed and recommendations have been drafted for the use of non-food-grade camelina oil, microalgae, flaxseed oil, fatty waste for biodiesel production; ethanol and butanol for the re-esterification of oil, and the use of ethyl and butyl alcohols in the production of diesel fuels. Principle technology for biodiesel synthesis using enzymatic preparations – lipases – as catalysts has been developed.
Principle biogas technology has been developed for carbon dioxide scrubbing using natural rocks for CO2 sorption.
Major projects, business orders
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Energijos kontrolė”. Key results: oil quality tests and assessment of suitability for biofuel production.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Araksus”. Key results: oil quality tests and assessment of suitability for biofuel production.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “ROKOR”. Key results: oil quality tests and assessment of suitability for biofuel production.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Biocentras”. Comparative studies on the main quality parameters of base oils. Key results: base oil quality tests and assessment of their suitability for biofuel production.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Agrochema”. Feasibility study for the implementation of second generation biofuel production at UAB “Agrochema”. Key results: analysis of the conventional biofuel production improvement and second generation biofuel production technologies conducted, the most appropriate solutions for the company selected, technical economic justification of second generation biofuel production performed.
Core researcher team
Chief researcher, Prof. Dr. Violeta Makarevičienė, chief researcher, Prof. Dr. Eglė Sendžikienė, senior researcher, Dr. Raimondas Kreivaitis, researcher, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milda Gumbytė, Researcher, Dr. Kiril Kazancev.
Head of Laboratory
Chief researcher, Prof. Dr. Violeta Makarevičienė
Phone: +370 37 752292
Environmental Research Laboratory
Short description
The Laboratory’s activities focus on applied and fundamental research in ecology, environmental science and environmental engineering. The purpose of the Laboratory is to develop scientific research, promote scientific knowledge and participate in the University’s educational process. The Laboratory carries out research, educational, and service activities in the fields of agricultural, aquatic, and forest ecosystem object quality studies.
Major and emerging research fields
- Sustainability of agricultural, forest and aquatic ecosystems, impacts of climate change
- Sustainability of biological natural resources
- Mitigation of the climate change effects on ecosystems and adaptation
- Agricultural pollution management
- Sustainable agricultural, forest and aquatic technologies, sustainable use of resources
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Scientific study prepared: Investigation of the condition of water bodies at risk, identification of pollution sources and other causes of the condition of water bodies at risk, selection of measures to improve the condition of the water body/AM AAA.
Major projects, business orders
- 2016-2022 Implementation of the plan of measures for the environmental monitoring programme of Alytus municipality
- 2015-2019 Baltic sea region programme project “Water emissions and their reduction in village communities- villages in Baltic Sea Region as pilots” (acronym: “Village Waters”)
- 2015-2016 BERAS International. Farmers University Exchange Program.
- 2014- 2017 Investigation of the condition of water bodies at risk, identification of pollution sources and other causes of the condition of water bodies at risk, selection of measures to improve the condition of the water body
- 2011-2013 Baltic sea region programme Project BERAS implementation /Baltic organic agriculture and society – measure for mitigation of the Baltic sea eutrofication
Core researcher team
Dr. Laima Česonienė, Kristina Lingytė, Senior laboratory technician Danguolė Paškevičiūtė, PhD students Justina Zygkevičiūtė Laugs, Raimonda Simonavičiūtė
Phone: (8-37) 752 224
Laboratory of Quality Vegetable Raw Materials
Short description
The Laboratory of Quality Vegetable Raw Materials was established in 2007 as part of integrated science, business and study centre Nemunas Valley. The Laboratory launched its activities on 7 December 2012 when the open-access Joint Research Centre of Agriculture and Forestry was opened. The researchers at the Laboratory of Quality Vegetable Raw Materials conduct research on the quality of vegetable raw materials, organise seminars, workshops, participate in national and international conferences, disseminate their research findings, and develop their qualifications by participating in training. The Laboratory greenhouse is used for research in flower varieties and vegetative experiments to assess the impact of fertilisers, biological preparations and environmental conditions on the quality of different plants. The researchers at the Laboratory collaborate with the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, the Institute of Environment and Ecology of the VMU Agriculture Academy, and conduct studies commissioned by farmers and business companies.
Major and emerging research fields
- Chemical composition and qualitative changes in vegetable raw materials during storage in controlled atmosphere chambers
- Qualitative indicators for plant processing products
- Sensory evaluation of food raw materials and products
- Development of innovative food products using vegetable raw materials
- Research in flower varieties.
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
High-yielding and highly decorative varieties of vegetatively propagated trailing snapdragon (Asarina) were developed at the Laboratory greenhouse: year 2013 – 10 varieties, year 2015 – 17 varieties, year 2017 – 15 varieties, Prof. Simas Gliožeris.
Recommendations prepared:
- Kulaitienė, Jurgita. 2012. Recommendation for the raw material resulting from pumpkin and Jerusalem artichoke processing, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Akademija, 11 p.
- Černiauskienė, Judita. 2012. Recommendation for the germination of seeds for food. Aleksandras Stulginskis University Akademija, 11 p.
- Pranckietis, Viktoras; Paulauskienė, Aurelija. 2014. Technologies of growing and drying of medicinal vegetable raw materials: recommendations for Actinidia growers and processors. Nemunas Valley Association, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Vytautas Magnus University. Akademija, 66 p.
Innovative products developed:
- Blackcurrant sauce (high in vitamin C, minerals) with increased biological value, functional product, 2017, Assoc. Prof. A. Paulauskienė.
- Innovative product suitable for vegans, vegetarians, diabetics – biscuits (gluten-free, added sugar-free, wheat flour-free) enriched with vegetable, berry and herbal/spice powders, developed within the framework of the Innovation Vouchers project, 2018, Assoc. Prof. J. Kulaitienė.
- Innovative product developed under the Innovative Vouchers project – fruit leathers with berry pulp and seeds – with functional properties (high in fibre, added sugar-free), 2018, Assoc. Prof. Ž. Tarasevičienė, Assoc. Prof. A. Paulauskienė.
- Combination of protein-rich vegetable raw materials containing all essential amino acids, suitable for vegans and vegetarians, developed within the framework of the Innovation Vouchers project, 2021, Assoc. Prof. A. Paulauskienė, Assoc. Prof. Ž. Tarasevičienė.
Major projects, business orders
- Innovation Vouchers project “Exploration of unconventional vegetable raw materials for the development of new food products”, client UAB “Ingredientas”, 2017-2018. The aim of the R&D project was to prepare a research-based technical feasibility study for the production of natural soluble food dyes using a waste-free concept. The object of the study was chokeberry, blackcurrant, blueberry, and cherry pulp. The dry juice concentrate of the selected berries was produced by spray-drying. The objective was achieved by modelling the optimum concentration ranges and process parameters (process sequence, spray dryer temperature modes, time). In summary, the findings of experimental studies showed that the quality of the powdered berry juice concentrate was statistically significantly determined by the stabilisation of the technological process: temperature of the product during the drying process, heat transfer coefficient, resistance of the product to (drying), moisture content and permeability, concentration of the adsorbent, and others.
- Innovation Vouchers project “Enrichment of food with functional components”, commissioned by MB Sava studija, 2017-2018. Under the R&D project, a technical feasibility study to investigate the possibility of using waste from the juice production process to enrich food products with functional components, was planned. The raspberry, blackberry, strawberry and rosehip pulp was studied. The study analysed the processing technologies of the pulp, selected the optimal processing methods and the optimal parameters of the technological processes, taking into account the influence of the temperature regime on the chemical composition of the raw material. The levels of berry pulp and seeds in the finished products were determined in order to comply with the recommended limits according to Commission Regulation (EU) No. 274/2014 on permitted health claims made on foods.
- Demonstration trial “Growing innovative horticultural crops in vertical systems using modern environmentally friendly and resource efficient technologies” (No. 14PA-KK-17-1-01319-PR001), 2018-2020. The main aim of the R&D project was to adapt an innovative way of growing vegetable crops on the farm, using modern environmentally and resource-friendly vertical systems, to ensure the quality of crop production (chemical composition, physical parameters, yield) and to carry out a statistical-comparative analysis of horizontal and vertical vegetable crop production methods. The project was intended to develop the technology for production of annual and perennial plants (herbs, medicinal plants, strawberries) and provide recommendations. Preliminary conclusions of the research:
- The selected herbs/medicinal plants: basil (Ocimum basilicum); Swiss mint (Mentha piperita); thyme (Thymus serpyllum); strawberries (Fragaria vesca) are suitable for growing in a vertical system, and the perennial plants have demonstrated an excellent overwintering period (analysis of the first year of the trial);
- The observations made have enabled the optimisation of the system parameters and the application of optimal cultivation technologies to reduce production costs and improve quality;
- The evaluation of the horizontal and vertical horticultural methods according to the selected criteria has clearly shown the advantage of the vertical cultivation method: it has statistically increased the yield of the plants by a factor of up to 10, with a significant increase in the economic effect. Significant savings in resource use/costs. This suggests that the benefit-cost ratio is reliably higher with the vertical cultivation method. This has supported the cost-effectiveness of the innovation.
- Innovative Vouchers project “Research on innovative combinations of protein-rich vegetable raw materials containing all essential amino acids”, commissioned by UAB Agropartneriai, 2020-2021.The project planned to carry out a technical feasibility study, modelling the composition of a new protein-rich vegetable product using a protein-rich vegetable raw material containing all essential amino acids. This would involve the use of various bean plants and seeds. The project involved comprehensive evaluation of the chemical composition of protein-rich vegetable raw materials, determining their protein content and biological value, as well as other bioactive compounds. A complete combination of protein-rich vegetable raw materials containing all essential amino acids was developed.
- Project “Management of short supply chains for bio-valuable products and development of local markets” under the Action Area “Support for the establishment and development of EIP Action Groups” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Measure “Cooperation” (35BV-KK-18-1-06620-PR001), 2019-2022. The main aim of the project was to develop a self-regulatory model of innovation implementation and dissemination to accelerate the formation of short food supply chains and the development of local markets. The project was intended to assess the Farm to Fork practice of innovating farms producing bio-valuable products; evaluate the trends and opportunities for the development of markets for bio-valuable products, taking into account consumer values and consumption needs; implement innovation and assure quality in the production and storage system of bio-valuable products, enhancement of the efficiency and sustainability of the short food supply chains; and organise networking of farms producing bio-valuable products, ensuring the dissemination of the short food supply chain experience and market development.
Core researcher team
Coordinator, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aurelija Paulauskienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Živilė Tarasevičienė, Laboratory technician, MSc Vanesa Šliažaitė, Engineer, MSc Arvydas Bočys.
Head of Laboratory
Assoc. Prof. Dr Aurelija Paulauskienė
Phone (8-37) 75 23 41
Biodiesel, Bioethanol and Biolubricants Laboratory
Short description
The Laboratories were established in 2012. The conduct fundamental and applied research and R&D in the field of environmental engineering in the field of technology science area. Researchers at the Laboratories deal with the issues related to the use of renewable resources for the synthesis of biofuels and bio-oils. They work closely with and provide advice to the economic entities on the production, quality, use and environmental impact of biofuels, biogas, bio-oils, oils, as well as on the use of high fat content raw materials in the production of animal feed, and other issues.
Major and emerging research fields
- Synthesis and research of liquid and gaseous fuels
- Synthesis and research on environmentally friendly lubricants
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Recommendations prepared for business companies: Recommendations for UAB “AKVATERA LT”, UAB “Eco Extractum”, UAB “Biokonversija”, UAB “BioPower Ingineering”, UAB “Biocentras”, UAB “Žaliavų terminalas”, UAB “Investicijų Partneris”, UAB “Tito Sun”, UAB “Rokor”.
Major projects, business orders
- Project commissioned by UAB “Akvatera”: “Utilisation of poultry fat in pet food production”. Key results: the possibilities for the use of poultry fat in pet food production assessed.
- Project commissioned by UAB “Akvatera”: “Utilisation of high fat content raw materials in pet food production”. Key results: it was determined that the high fat content oils investigated (namely, borage, evening primrose and coconut oil) can be used in the production of pet food production as they meet the requirements for high fat content raw materials.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Eco Extractum”. Key results: quality tests on various types of oils and assessment of their suitability for use in the food industry conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Biokonversija”. Key results: quality assessment of oils conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “BioPower Ingineering”. Key results: quality assessment of high fat content raw materials conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Biocentras”. Comparative studies on the quality parameters of base oil prototype. Key results: quality tests of the base oil and the assessment of its suitability for lubricant production conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Investicijų Partneris”. Improvement of energy efficiency of biofuel pellets. Key results: selection of optimal pellet compositions with calorific value of 15-17 MJ/kg and maximum moisture content of 20%.
Core researcher team (including PhD students and laboratory technicians)
Chief researcher Dr. E. Sendžikienė, researcher Dr. M. Gumbytė, researcher Dr. K. Kazancev, senior researcher Dr. V.Makarevičienė, senior researcher Dr. R. Kreivaitis, laboratory technician Dr. J. Treinytė, PhD student I. Gaidė
Phone: +370 37 752292
Biogas Laboratory
Short description
Researchers at the Laboratory provide advice to farmers, industries, designers, power sector specialists, and government agencies on the conversion of plant biomass and organic waste into biogas. The Laboratory cooperates with other Lithuanian research and educational bodies and business associations. The Laboratory maintains business relations and implements joint research projects with research bodies, companies and organisations in Austria, Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Finland, Germany, and other countries. Researchers at the Laboratory are involved in the preparation of projects for the existing and constructed biogas power plants in Lithuania and in monitoring of their operations. Researchers at the Laboratory conduct research commissioned by businesses, research bodies and foundations.
Major and emerging research fields
- Investigation of the energy potential of raw materials used for biogas production
- Investigation and optimisation of the biogas production process
- Identification and assessment of sustainability cycle indicators for biogas plants
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- Innovative technology for anaerobic digestion of fish processing waste developed and recommendations for its implementation drafted.
- Recommendations on the improvement of the efficiency of biogas production in urban sewage sludge biogas plants using biodegradable food industry waste developed.
- Innovative technology developed for the separation of hydrogen sulphide from biogas using bioactivated carbon filters developed.
- Innovative technology for the conversion of slaughterhouse waste into biogas and recommendations for its implementation developed.
Major projects, business orders
- Horizon 2020 project “European food chain supply to reduce GHG emissions by 2050 (ENOUGH)”, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in food chains.
- FP7 project “Added value from high protein & high oil industrial co-streams” (APROPOS). Industrial high-protein high-oil by-products investigated and technologies proposed for the processing thereof to obtain high value-added products.
- Lithuanian-Belarusian bilateral cooperation in science and technology programme project “Increasing the quantity and improving the quality of biogas produced from agricultural organic waste by optimising the composition of raw materials”. Studies have shown that livestock slaughterhouses, fish processing plants and the beer industry have the highest energy potential.
- Project “Improving the energy efficiency of biogas production from sewage sludge through the use of additional ingredients and biological preparations” commissioned by an economic entity. Studies have shown the feasibility of converting mixtures of urban sewage sludge and fish and meat processing waste into biogas. The influence of the composition of mixtures of industrial waste and urban sewage sludge on biogas yield and energy content determined.
- Project “Study of the energy potential of waste from the production of bread products converted into biogas” commissioned by an economic entity. The study determined the yields, composition and energy potential of biogas from bread product production waste. Process scheme for the processing of waste from the production of bread products into biogas developed and key process indicators identified.
Core researcher team
Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Navickas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Venslauskas, Lect. Vidmantas Župerka, Junior researcher Mantas Rubežius
Head of Laboratory
Prof. Dr Kęstutis Navickas
Phone: +37068786826
Laboratory for the Recovery of Biological Waste and By-Products
Short description
The Laboratories were established in 2012. The conduct fundamental and applied research and R&D in the field of environmental engineering in the field of technology science area. Researchers at the Laboratories deal with the issues related to the use of renewable resources for the synthesis of biofuels and bio-oils. They work closely with and provide advice to the economic entities on the production, quality, use and environmental impact of biofuels, biogas, bio-oils, oils, as well as on the use of high fat content raw materials in the production of animal feed, and other issues.
Major and emerging research fields
- Synthesis and research of liquid and gaseous fuels
- Synthesis and research on environmentally friendly lubricants
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Recommendations prepared for business companies: Recommendations for UAB “AKVATERA LT”, UAB “Eco Extractum”, UAB “Biokonversija”, UAB “BioPower Ingineering”, UAB “Biocentras”, UAB “Žaliavų terminalas”, UAB “Investicijų Partneris”, UAB “Tito Sun”, UAB “Rokor”.
Major projects, business orders
- Project commissioned by UAB “Akvatera”: “Utilisation of poultry fat in pet food production”. Key results: the possibilities for the use of poultry fat in pet food production assessed.
- Project commissioned by UAB “Akvatera”: “Utilisation of high fat content raw materials in pet food production”. Key results: it was determined that the high fat content oils investigated (namely, borage, evening primrose and coconut oil) can be used in the production of pet food production as they meet the requirements for high fat content raw materials.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Eco Extractum”. Key results: quality tests on various types of oils and assessment of their suitability for use in the food industry conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Biokonversija”. Key results: quality assessment of oils conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “BioPower Ingineering”. Key results: quality assessment of high fat content raw materials conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Biocentras”. Comparative studies on the quality parameters of base oil prototype. Key results: quality tests of the base oil and the assessment of its suitability for lubricant production conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Investicijų Partneris”. Improvement of energy efficiency of biofuel pellets. Key results: selection of optimal pellet compositions with calorific value of 15-17 MJ/kg and maximum moisture content of 20%.
Core researcher team (including PhD students and laboratory technicians)
Chief researcher Dr E. Sendžikienė, researcher Dr M. Gumbytė, researcher Dr K. Kazancev, senior researcher Dr V.Makarevičienė, senior researcher Dr R. Kreivaitis, laboratory technician Dr J. Treinytė, PhD student I. Gaidė
Phone: +370 37 752292
Biomass Preparation, Logistics and Solid Fuel Processes Laboratory
Soil and Crop Ecology Laboratory
Short description
The Soil and Crop Ecology Laboratory conducts the experimental and research work. It provides favourable conditions for scientists, researchers, PhD students, and other students to use the laboratory and its facilities for their research. The research work starts with the collection of soil and plant samples from the field and preparation thereof for analysis, and conduction of their laboratory analysis. Access to mobile laboratory equipment under the field conditions. Analyses and tests conducted: soil enzyme activity and qualitative indicators, plant development condition, seed germination, weed abundance investigation and pest spreading and control, photosynthetic intensity of plants, soil gas composition, and CO2 emissions from soil, etc.
Major and emerging research fields
- Sustainability of the agricultural ecosystems, soil resources and preservation, optimization of mineral nutrient delivery to plants.
- Mitigation and adaptation of the climate change effect on the agricultural ecosystems.
- Research of oilseed rape agrocenosis, allelopathy and impact on the soil yield, optimization of technological parameters for oilseed rape and hybrid rape under the changing climate conditions.
- Optimization and ecologization of agricultural crop formation and germination conditions using agricultural measures.
- Research in growth, development and harvest formation of field and meadow plants.
- Research in the spread of harming factors, negative effect on yield, and protection measures.
- Improvement of Lithuania’s main commercial crops (sugar beet, wheat, oilseed rape) technologies for their competitiveness on the domestic and foreign markets.
- Agricultural engineering and economic substantiation of the precision farming measures, simplification of cultivation, zero tillage, stubble cropping in our agroclimatic conditions.
- Research in the effect of development of alternative cropping systems and modern farming on the agricultural ecosystems.
Major projects, business orders
- “Sustainable forage crops production and climate extremes: resilience, nutritional quality, and recommendations on risk management”, coordinator Prof. Dr. Habil. Romualdas Juknys
- “The effect of sustainable farming and short rotation with beans on the environment, crop productivity, and bioeconomic potential in view of implementation of the EU Greening Facility”, coordinator Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Romaneckas
- “Mineralization of plant residues by using the products of biological origin”, coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Marija Butkevičienė
- “New generation chemical weed control methods in sugar beet crop” coordinators, team members Prof. K. Romaneckas, stud. A. Balčiūnas
- “Research on the use of sensors for the analysis of optical properties of plants in precision fertilization” coordinator, team members Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Zinkevičius, Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Kosteckas, Prof. Dr. habil. R.Velička, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Butkus, PhD student E. Jovarauskas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Petkevičius, Prof. Dr. D. Steponavičius
- “Effect of Seamac products on productivity and quality parameters of winter oilseed rape”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aušra Sinkevičienė
- “Complex effects of climate and environmental change on productivity, biodiversity and sustainability of agricultural ecosystems: comparison of winter oilseed rape hybrid varieties” coordinator, team members R. Velička, P. Drulis, V. Liakas
Core researcher team
Prof. habil. Dr. Rimantas Velička, Prof. Dr. Vaclovas Bogužas, Dr. Rasa Kimbirauskienė, Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Romaneckas, Prof. Dr. Aušra Marcinkevičienė, Prof. Dr. D. Steponavičius, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aida Adamavičienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darija Jodaugienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Pranckietienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rita Pupalienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Marija Butkevičienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zita Kriaučiūnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jūratė Aleinikovienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rimantas Vaisvalavičius, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonata Kazlauskaitė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evaldas Klimas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilona Vagusevičienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vytautas Liakas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Povilas Mulerčikas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Sinkevičienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robertas Kosteckas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Zinkevičius, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Butkus, Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Petkevičius, Lect. Dr. Aušra Sinkevičienė, Lect. Dr. Rita Čepulienė, Lect. Dr. Edita Mažuolytė-Miškinė, Lect. Dr. Asta Ramaškevičienė, Dr. Vaida Steponavičienė, Dr. Lina Skinulienė, PhD student Aušra Rudinskienė, PhD student Audrius Jakutis, PhD student Povilas Drulis, PhD student Inga Andruškaitė, PhD student Jovita Balandaitė, PhD student Silvija Kosteckienė, PhD student Alfredas Sinkevičius, PhD student Arūnas Čmukas, PhD student E. Jovarauskas.
Head of Laboratory
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Marija Butkevičienė
Phone: +370 61031649
Geomatics Laboratory
Short description
In 1997, the Laboratory of Geographical Information Systems for Land, Water and Forestry was established at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture (LUA). In 2004, it was reorganized into the Geographic Information Systems Training and Research Centre. In 2012, after the merger of the GIS Training and Research Centre with the Geomatics Laboratory of the Integrated Science, Business and Study Centre NEMUNAS Valley, the Geomatics Laboratory was established at the VMU Agriculture Academy (former Aleksandras Stulginskis University until 31 December 2018), Faculty of Water and Land Management.
Functions of the Geomatics Laboratory: fundamental and applied research and R&D in geomatics in the fields of agricultural and technology sciences, dissemination of scientific knowledge, development of international cooperation, and implementation of innovations.
Major and emerging research fields
- Aerial photography
- Hyperspectral imaging (Potential applications: environmental, medical, material science, agriculture, forestry, forensics, etc.)
- Object-based image and laser data processing
- Training, professional development courses, and consultations on various geomatics-related issues.
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
In 2017, the aerial photography and photogrammetric production technologies using manned and unmanned aircraft were designed and offered to businesses as part of the INNOVATION VOUCHERS project.
Major projects, business orders
- Projects using laboratory equipment:
- “Species and genetic diversity of Scots pine communities and their sustainable use in the context of climate change and human impacts”, No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-025 – 2012-2013
- “Assessment of the condition of drainage ditches using remotely sensed data techniques” – 2017
- Rapid diagnosis of European spruce bark beetle infestations using hyperspectral imaging – 2018
Core researcher team
Prof. Dr. Gintautas Mozgeris, Assoc. Prof. Dr Donatas Jonikavičius
Head of Laboratory
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Donatas Jonikavičius
Animal Production Research and Innovation Center
Laboratory for Research on the Impact of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems
Short description
The Laboratory for Research on the Impact of Climate Change Impacts on Forest Ecosystems was established on 21 March 2012. Activities: Research on species and genetic diversity, productivity, sustainability, and change of forest ecosystems in the context of climate change and human impacts. Key facilities available: A set of tree bark measuring equipment (LINTAB 6), portable leaf area index (LAI) measuring instrument, leaf and root area measuring systems, set of portable equipment for the determination of the microclimatic conditions of forest ecosystems, portable photosynthesis research system, Uv/Vis spectrophotometer, field equipment for forest soil testing, automated dosing and nucleic acid extraction system, DNA amplifier, electrophoresis apparatus for the distribution of DNA fragments, genetic analyser for DNA markers.
Major and emerging research fields
- Studies on stand growth and productivity
- Research on forest plant diversity
- Research on the genetic diversity, genetic structure and adaptation of species in forest ecosystems
- Research on forest soil response to climate change, carbon sequestration in soil and plants
- Investigation of the diversity, abundance and impact of soil microflora on C and N cycling
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Recommendations on dealing with the impact of climate and other environmental stressors on the capacity of forests to adapt and mitigate global change threats; species and genetic diversity of Scots pine communities and their sustainable use under climate change and human impacts. The regionalisation of the origin of forest tree species for the use of plant reproductive material. Methodology for genetic monitoring of forest tree species. Investigation of the evolutionary origin of forest trees. Methodology for monitoring of the origin of forest tree reproductive material by DNA. Identification of the genetic origin of beech stands.
Major projects, business orders
- Horizon 2020 research project “Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe” GENTREE, 2016 – 2020, Grant agreement No. 676876.
- Research project “Establishment of a system for control of the origin of forest reproductive material of Norway spruce and Scots pine by DNA testing” commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, Contract No. M-04-10/19, 2019-2021.
- Research project “Determination of the origin and genetic diversity of beech stands in Lithuania, selection of the most valuable individuals and their comparison with populations of known origin in other countries for the development of beech in Lithuania” commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, Contract No. VPS-2017-119-SBMŪRP, No. M04-65/17, 2017-2019.
- Project “Complex effects of climate and other environmental stressors on the capacity of forests to adapt and mitigate global change threats”, No. A-05-45/15 (SIT-3/2015).
- Project “Species and genetic diversity of Scots pine communities and their sustainable use in the context of climate change and human impacts”, project code No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-025, funding and administration contract No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-025.
Core researcher team
Prof. Dr. Vitas Marozas, Prof. Dr. Darius Danusevičius, Dr. Jūratė Buchovska, Dr. Darius Kavaliauskas, Dr. Nijolė Maršalkienė.
PhD students: Osvaldas Kučinskas, Rūta Kembrytė, Gintarė Stankevičienė.
Head of Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Vitas Marozas
Phone: 862033469
Laboratory of Machinery, Technological Systems and Processes Automatic Control
Short description
Researchers at the Laboratory provide consultations to renewable energy and industrial automation specialists, designers, energy engineers and representatives of government agencies in the fields of automation and renewable energy. The Laboratory maintains business relations with research bodies, companies and organisations in Lithuania and other countries. The Laboratory experts have been involved in the automation of power objects and measurements of various energy indicators, as well as in the implementation of automatic control systems for energy processes.
Major and emerging research fields
Renewable energy, process control, process visualisation, hydraulic system diagnostics; machine testing.
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- Maintenance, service, repair and calibration of gas and biogas analysers
- Life cycle assessment (LCA) conducted with specialised SimaPro software
- Vacuum, air and flat-plate solar collectors, low-power wind turbines
- Thermal analysis of equipment
- Performance of internal combustion engines investigated with the latest AVL measurement and recording equipment
Major projects, business orders
- Horizon 2020 project “European food chain supply to reduce GHG emissions by 2050 (ENOUGH)”.
- EU FP7 project “Added value from high protein & high oil industrial co-streams. KBBE.2011.3.4-01 APROPOS”.
- Enhancement of methane concentration in biogas production process by biochemical methods.
- Investigation of the technological process of biogas production from fish processing waste using raw materials treatment methods.
- Innovative application of selective biopreparations for the recycling of hard to break down raw materials into biogas.
Core researcher team
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Venslauskas, Prof. Dr. Stasys Slavinskas, Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Navickas, Lect. Vidmantas Župerka.
Head of Laboratory
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Venslauskas
Phone: +370 656 97642
Game Management Laboratory
Short description
The Game Management Laboratory was established on 17 September 2008.
The mission of the Laboratory is to develop research in the field of biomedical sciences: forest science, ecology and environmental science, zoology; to systematize and disseminate the knowledge of these sciences, to educate the researchers, to take part in the educational process of the University, to provide game research services, to popularize the knowledge of game management science, to educate the public and cultivate the culture and qualification of game hunting and hunters.
Main equipment: microtome Struers ACUTOM 50, microscopes Carl Zeiss, dry box Kambič SP 120EASY, broadcasters with speaker FOXPRO Praire Blaster Game Caller, automatic sound recorder stations Song Meter SM2, automatic video cameras Bolyguard MG984G-36M MMS, unmanned aerial vehicle DJI Fantom 4 Pro.
The Game Management Laboratory conducts management, research and training activities in scientific and educational hunting area units. the territory of Kaunas District Municipality, with an area of 670 ha; territory of Radviliskis District Municipality, with an area of 4,608.1 ha; territory of Šilutė District Municipality, with an area of 4,915.7 ha, and territory of Vilkaviškis District Municipality, with an area of 567.2 ha.
Major and emerging research fields
- Research on the status of wildlife populations using remote sensor technologies (GPS, unmanned aerial vehicles, automated video cameras)
- Pre-treatment and quality of wild game meat, ageing technologies
- Preparation of hunting management projects
- Identification of damage caused by wild animals to agricultural crops and assessment of adverse impacts on forest plantations, grasslands and stands
- Detailed description of wildlife migration corridors based on morphological spatial pattern analysis
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- Methodology for estimation of damage caused by game to agricultural crops
- Methodology for wolf population accounting
- Preparation of a bison conservation plan
- Collection of data on the use of electronic, acoustic and optical devices for searching for the game and improvement of the recording techniques
Major projects, business orders
- Commissioned research project “Preparation of the Bison Conservation Plan” within project No. VP3-1.4-AM-02-V-01-013 “Implementation of measures for the conservation of rare species and regulation of the abundance of invasive species”. Period: Year 2015
- R&D project “Preparation of a methodology for calculation of of damage caused by game to agricultural crops” commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, contract No. MT-18-1. Period: Year 2018
- Preparation of a project on hunting area unit “Sakalas-2” management for hunting club “Sakalas”, contract No. M-06-24/20; Preparation of a project on hunting area unit management for hunting and fishing club “Rotary-gamta” of Vilnius County, contract No. M-06-23/20 Period: 2020–2021
- Project “Research on wolf (Canis lupus) ecology” commissioned by the Research Council of Lithuania, contract No. S-REP-20-6. Period: 2020–2021
- R&D activity “Wolf Research Services 2021” commissioned by the State Service for Protected Territories under the Ministry of Environment, Contract No. F4E-3. Period: 2020–2021
Core researcher team
Dr. Artūras Kibiša, Dr. Renata Špinkytė-Bačkaitienė, Dr. Jolanta Stankevičiūtė, Kastytis Šimkevičius.
PhD students: Petras Adeikis, Loreta Bisirskienė
Laboratory technicians: Mindaugas Maksvytis, Kęstutis Bybartas, Romas Gečas, Gintaras Lukaševičius, Vytautas Ivanauskis
Head of Laboratory
Dr. Artūras Kibiša
Phone: +370 687 31533
Advanced Crop Engineering Laboratory
Short description:
- Soil characterisation field tests using a Veris 3150 MSP mobile instrument (electrical conductivity; soil acidity (pH); organic matter content); Soil characterisation field tests using a Veris P4000 mobile instrument (with 350-2200 nm spectrometer in soil profile horizons up to 1 m depth) (electrical conductivity; soil hardness; carbon content); scanning of soil electrical conductivity with Topsoil Mapper scanner (with the terminal for precision tillage, sowing and fertiliser technology application);
- Field and laboratory tests of soil properties (measurement of carbon dioxide gas concentrations in soil; determination of porosity of soil samples in the laboratory; determination of the bonding strength of soil particles in the laboratory; field determination of soil hardness and moisture; measurement of the drafting power of agricultural machinery);
- Research on performance indicators for field (tractors and drones) and garden sprayers (tractors and robots) (measurement of the vertical distribution of liquid sprayed by garden sprayers; measurement of individual nozzle performance (flow rate); measurement of sprayer pump performance, checking of pressure gauges, and calibration of flow meters);
- Testing of the physico-mechanical properties of agricultural products and soil particles using the Instron 5960 instrument (compression, tensile, peeling, bending, tearing of materials; testing of material elasticity);
- Research on technologies and machinery for the cultivation, maintenance, harvesting and preparation for conversion of energy crops (research on the shredding process of wood waste and coarse-stemmed energy crops; determination of the quality of shredded wood waste and the quality of the cuttings of coarse-stemmed energy crops, such as Salix Viminalis L.).
Major and emerging research fields:
- Soil-, environmentally-friendly and energy efficient tillage, sowing and harvesting technologies and analysis of machine work processes and optimisation of design and process parameters;
- Investigation of machine systems for precision farming;
- Qualitative, energy and environmental assessment of technologies for harvesting and preparing energy crops for fuel;
- Optimisation of methods and technical means for the preparation and use of plant biomass for conversion;
- Research on the dynamic characteristics of agricultural machinery and mechanisms to determine their optimum operating parameters and improve their design.
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- In 2018, recommendation on application of strip-tillage and sowing technologies was prepared as a result of project “Research on the technological operations of precision strip-tillage and sowing machines and integrated efficiency assessment”, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. Project manager – Prof. Dr. E. Šarauskis.
- In 2021, a recommendation on the application of precision spreading technology for organic fertilisers was prepared as a result of R&D project “Study of technological parameters for precision spreading of organic fertilisers with different flow properties”. Commissioned by UAB “Dalaudas ir Co”, project implementation period: 29/08/2019 to 05/08/2021. Project manager – Dr. S. Buragienė. Team members: E. Šarauskis, E. Jotautienė, A. Jasinskas, A. Sakalauskas, V. Naujokienė, K. Lekavičienė, Z. Kriaučiūnienė.
- In 2021, a recommendation linked to the feasibility of energy resource recovery from landfills was prepared as a result of the interinstitutional R&D project ISLAND (LEI-KTU-VDU) “Feasibility and Sustainability Model for the Recovery of Energy Resources from Landfills”. Project implementation period: 01/04/2021 to 31/12/2021. Project manager G. Denafas (LEI), coordinator of the VMU project part A. Jasinskas, team members: K. Romaneckas, D. Streikus.
- Invention patented in the Lithuanian Patent Bureau: method of fuel consumption reduction in crop production using a biological preparation: Patent No. LT 6470 B / inventors: Egidijus Šarauskis, Vilma Naujokienė, Kristina Vaitauskienė; Aleksandras Stulginskis University. Vilnius, 10/11/2017 4 p.
- Invention patented in the Lithuanian Patent Bureau: the test bench for the corn cob threshing process and the method for execution of the process testing. Patent No. LT 6492 B / inventors Valdas Kiniulis, Dainius Steponavičius, Edvinas Pužauskas, Albinas Andriušis, Darius Jovarauskas, Darius Juknevičius. State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania. Vilnius. 25/01/2018 12 p.
Major projects, business orders:
- R&D project “Research on strip-tillage machines in sustainable farming systems”. Commissioned by UAB “Vaderstad”. Project Contract No. I-06-32/17. Contract period: 15/08/2017 to 14/05/2018. (Project manager E. Šarauskis, team members: A. Sakalauskas; K. Lekavičienė). Result: conclusions on the application of strip tillage technology and the impact of the structural and technological parameters of the implements on the quality of the work process prepared.
- R&D project “Precision fertilisation based on soil organic carbon content using biological preparations” Commissioned by UAB “Grynas Baltija” Project Contract No. I-06-02/19. Contract period: 08/02/2019 to 07/01/2021. Project manager E. Šarauskis, team members: V. Naujokienė, S. Buragienė, Z. Kriaučiūnienė, A. Adamavičienė, D. Juknevičius. The aim: to determine the interaction of biological preparations, soil organic carbon and other properties with the demand for basic chemical fertilisers through experimental and analytical research; to perform an assessment of energy consumption, environmental and economic impact of precision fertilisation according to the dynamics of soil organic carbon and other properties, using biological preparations with different compositions.
- R&D project (innovation voucher by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) “Research on the development of mixtures based on hemp fibre biomass and binders for use in the food industry”. Commissioned by UAB “Baltic Sticks” Contract start date: 01/03/2021, end date: 28/02/2023 Project manager – Prof. Dr. Algirdas Jasinskas.
- R&D project (innovation voucher by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) “Research on the development of a drone-based precision crop care model”. Commissioned by MB “GKS”. Contract: 2021–2023. Project manager – Prof. Dr. D. Steponavičius, team members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Zinkevičius; Prof. Dr. E. Jotautienė; Prof. Dr. K. Romaneckas; lect. A. Andriušis; MSc M. Semenišin. Result: Research of liquid mineral fertiliser spraying using sprayer drones conducted.
- EUREKA project “Anti-drift agent’s research and new formulation development”. Project participants: VMU, UAB “Nando”, Craiova University (Romania). Contract: 2021–2023. Project manager – Prof. Dr D. Steponavičius, team members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Zinkevičius, senior researcher E. Zaleckas, Dr. K. Lekavičienė, Dr. A. Kemzūraitė, lect. A. Andriušis, PhD student T. Jomantas, PhD student A. Grigas.
Core researcher team
Prof. Dr. D. Steponavičius; chief researcher Prof. Dr. A. Jasinskas; Prof. Dr. E. Šarauskis; Prof. em. Dr. L. Špokas; Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Zinkevičius; Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Petkevičius; Lect. A. Andriušis; senior researcher Dr. S. Buragienė; researcher Dr. A. Kemzūraitė; senior researcher Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Naujokienė; researcher Dr. K. Lekavičienė.
PhD students: D. Jovarauskas, J. Anušauskas, D. Savickas, D. Juknevičius, L. Saldukaitė, A. Zabrodskyi, A. Minajeva, M. Kazlauskas.
Laboratory technicians: L. Duoba, A. Radžiulis, N. Poškienė.
Head of Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Dainius Steponavičius
Phone: 8-674-27721
Synthesis Gas, Second-Generation Liquid Biofuels and Biohydrogen Laboratory
Short description
The Laboratories were established in 2012. The conduct fundamental and applied research and R&D in the field of environmental engineering in the field of technology science area. Researchers at the Laboratories deal with the issues related to the use of renewable resources for the synthesis of biofuels and bio-oils. They work closely with and provide advice to the economic entities on the production, quality, use and environmental impact of biofuels, biogas, bio-oils, oils, as well as on the use of high fat content raw materials in the production of animal feed, and other issues.
Major and emerging research fields
- Synthesis and research of liquid and gaseous fuels
- Synthesis and research on environmentally friendly lubricants
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Recommendations prepared for business companies: Recommendations for UAB “AKVATERA LT”, UAB “Eco Extractum”, UAB “Biokonversija”, UAB “BioPower Ingineering”, UAB “Biocentras”, UAB “Žaliavų terminalas”, UAB “Investicijų Partneris”, UAB “Tito Sun”, UAB “Rokor”.
Major projects, business orders
- Project commissioned by UAB “Akvatera”: “Utilisation of poultry fat in pet food production”. Key results: the possibilities for the use of poultry fat in pet food production assessed.
- Project commissioned by UAB “Akvatera”: “Utilisation of high fat content raw materials in pet food production”. Key results: it was determined that the high fat content oils investigated (namely, borage, evening primrose and coconut oil) can be used in the production of pet food production as they meet the requirements for high fat content raw materials.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Eco Extractum”. Key results: quality tests on various types of oils and assessment of their suitability for use in the food industry conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Biokonversija”. Key results: quality assessment of oils conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “BioPower Ingineering”. Key results: quality assessment of high fat content raw materials conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Biocentras”. Comparative studies on the quality parameters of base oil prototype. Key results: quality tests of the base oil and the assessment of its suitability for lubricant production conducted.
- Studies commissioned by UAB “Investicijų Partneris”. Improvement of energy efficiency of biofuel pellets. Key results: selection of optimal pellet compositions with calorific value of 15-17 MJ/kg and maximum moisture content of 20%.
Core researcher team (including PhD students and laboratory technicians)
Chief researcher Dr. E. Sendžikienė, researcher Dr. M. Gumbytė, researcher Dr. K. Kazancev, senior researcher Dr. V.Makarevičienė, senior researcher Dr. R. Kreivaitis, laboratory technician Dr. J. Treinytė, PhD student I. Gaidė
Phone: +370 37 752292
Structures and Building Materials Laboratory
Short description
The Structures and Building Materials Laboratory was established in 1975 and since then it has been conducting research on the main building materials used in hydraulic structures. From 1995 to 2000, the Laboratory was certified to perform tests on concrete, concrete aggregates, road materials (sand, gravel, crushed stone), reinforcement, fittings and other construction materials and products, in accordance with the required certification and other indicators. The Laboratory also performs determination of the suitability of aggregates for the production of concrete and mortars, and designs concrete and mortar compositions. For over 10 years, the Laboratory has been conducting research on the eco-friendly building materials based on unfired clay, hemp-fibre concrete and other local, non-energy intensive materials.
Major and emerging research fields
- Energy-efficient, environmentally friendly building materials
- Waste recovery in concrete production (“green concrete”)
- Durability and longevity of hydrotechnical structures
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- Use of compressed straw in the construction of framed buildings
- Improved composition of hemp-fibre concrete
- Use of shredded tyre rubber for landfill filter bed installation
Major projects, business orders:
- Modelling the stability of the slopes of Gediminas Hill
- Using locally produced, low-energy building materials in agricultural production buildings
- Comprehensive assessment of the technical condition of the hydrotechnical structures of the Kruonis Pumped Storage Plant
- Multi-criteria comparative analysis of pipes and rings made of different materials used in the construction of water supply and wastewater networks
- The use of hemp fibre in the development of thermal insulating concretes for the insulation of building envelopes in energy-efficient buildings
Core researcher team
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rytis Skominas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vincas Gurskis, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raimondas Šadzevičius, Lect. Dainius Ramukevičius
Head of Laboratory
Assoc. Prof. Dr Rytis Skominas
Phone: +370 600 14067
Laboratory of Technology Safety
Short description
The Laboratory was established in 1996 at the Department of Occupational Safety and Engineering Management of the Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture as a laboratory for the study of occupational conditions. In 1997, the Laboratory was certified by the Ministry of Health for the study of the factors of the occupational and living environment. Since 2001, it resumed its operations as the Laboratory for Research of Occupational Conditions and Machine Safety Testing. In 2003-2008, it was certified by the National Accreditation Bureau for the study of the factors of the occupational environment and machine noise and vibrations. Since 2011, it was part of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety. Since 2021, it is the Laboratory of Technology Safety of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Safety.
Major and emerging research fields
- Investigation, assessment and improvement of the safety of existing and emerging technologies, their components or the equipment used in them
- Occupational risk and machinery safety research and assessment of compliance with the EU and Lithuanian regulatory documents
- Environmental pollution research and assessment of compliance with the requirements of Lithuanian regulatory documents
- Development and advice on implementation of the measures for reduction of occupational risks or technological pollution of the environment and assurance of human safety
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- ST 120793378.01:2014. General construction works: construction regulations. Association of Lithuanian Land Reclamation Companies
- ST 120793378.05:2015. Hydrotechnical construction works: construction regulations. Association of Lithuanian Land Reclamation Companies
- Preparation of basic training modules and model training programmes on occupational safety and health in 2018 (commissioned by the State Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania)
- Preparation of questions for the testing the occupational safety and health knowledge in 2018 (commissioned by the State Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania)
- ST 120793378.01:2019. Construction rules of the Lithuanian Association of Land Reclamation Companies. General construction works
- Environmental, occupational and fire safety [electronic resource]: teaching aid for the Farming Basics Training Programme 2018 (commissioned by the Leader Programme and the Methodological Centre for Farmer Training)
- Organisation of the annual international scientific conference “HUMAN AND NATURAL SAFETY” to disseminate good practice
Major projects, business orders:
- COST Action CA16123 Safety Culture and Risk Management in Agriculture
- H2020 project. FORWARDER 2020, H2020-BB-2016-1 No. 727883. Smart Forwarder for sustainable and efficient forest operation and management
Core researcher team
Dr Gediminas Vasiliauskas,, phone: 8 689 77015
Dr Ramūnas Mieldažys,, phone: 8 614 01137
Laboratory for Heat-Energy Processes and Emissions
Short description
The Laboratory provides facilities for international research, enabling students to not only pursue laboratory work, but also to put their future business ideas to practice. Research is conducted using the latest international standards and nationally recognised research methods.
It focuses on the processes that lead to gas emissions, impact on climate change, assessment of the effects of ammonia emissions on human and animal health and ecosystems, and development of measures to reduce atmospheric pollution.
Aims: to develop scientific excellence in the research fields of environmental engineering and climate change, and to apply it to the design and development of advanced engineering, environmental science and environmental technologies.
Major and emerging research fields
- Engineering innovations in sustainable livestock production
- Reducing the impact of livestock farming on climate change
- Innovations to reduce air pollution in livestock farming
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
- Method to reduce air pollution in livestock farming developed. Patent at the Lithuanian Patent Office. 2017. Title “Method for reducing ammonia emissions in animal husbandry”. LT6472B. Authors: R. Bleizgys, V. Naujokienė.
- Prototype – system of technical tools – for creating an optimal microclimate in cowsheds developed.
- Prototype – model of an environmentally friendly barn – developed.
- Recommendations for the rules on the technological design of livestock buildings prepared.
- Recommendations for the rules on the technological design of piggery buildings prepared.
Major projects, business orders:
18 research projects implemented in the period 2015 to 2021, of which the key projects were the following:
- Project “Studies on the application of micro-organisms in manure management” funded by UAB “Nando”. 2021-2022. A method to reduce air pollution in livestock production developed.
- Project “Control and management of stationary technology processes with smart sensor systems” funded by the Ministry of Agriculture. 2018-2021. A model to reduce the impact of livestock farming on climate change implemented.
- Project “Improvement of the competitiveness of dairy farms through innovative bio-based technologies” funded by the Ministry of Agriculture. 2017-2019. Prototype – system enhancing animal productivity and reducing air pollution – developed.
- Project “Application of passive methods for the creation of an optimal microclimate in cowsheds and for the control of air pollution” funded by a business company. 2017-2018. Prototype – system of technical tools – for creating an optimal microclimate in cowsheds developed.
- Project “Development of models for sustainable dairy farms, scientific and economic justification of the recommended solutions”, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture. 2019-2020. A model of a typical cowshed developed.
Core researcher team (including PhD students and laboratory technicians)
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Bleizgys (Head of Laboratory), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonas Čėsna, Dr. Vilma Naujokienė, Dr. Indrė Bagdonienė, PhD student Reda Mažeikienė, PhD student Indrė Buivydienė
Head of Laboratory
Prof. Dr Rolandas Bleizgys
Phone: +370 686 10900
Laboratory of Tribology
Short description
The origins of the Laboratory of Tribology can be traced back to the Departmental Laboratory “For the Study of Post-Repair Life of Agricultural Machinery”, which had been operating at the Department of Machinery Repair since 1973. In the course of development of tribology research and in cooperation with scientists from the KTU, VU, the Institute of Chemistry, and the Institute of Physics, in 1995, the Tribology Department of the Lithuanian Scientific Society was established. In 1997, it became a member of the International Tribology Council (ITC). Since 1999, a researcher team comprising the core of the Tribology Department of the Lithuanian Scientific Society, has been organising the biennial international scientific conference BALTTRIB.
Major and emerging research fields
- Green tribology (development and research on environmentally friendly tribological construction and lubrication materials)
- Biotribology (studies of tribological systems in contact with living organisms (implants, prostheses)
- Nanotribology (modification of structural and lubricant materials with nanoparticles, study of tribological processes)
- Abrasive wear processes and mitigation measures
- Tribological coatings – development and research
Innovative products, solutions, technologies, patents, business issues addressed, recommendations, improvements developed, etc.
Lithuanian patents
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Bansevičius, Ramutis (author, inventor); Jurėnas, Vytautas (author, inventor); Bubulis, Algimantas (author, inventor); Žunda, Audrius; Andriušis, Albinas (author, inventor). Piezoelectric motor speed stabilization system: Patent No. LT 6332 B / inventors: Juozas Padgurskas, Ramutis Bansevičius, Vytautas Jurėnas, Algimantas Bubulis, Audrius Žunda, Albinas Andriušis; Aleksandras Stulginskis University Vilnius, 20161125. 5 pages
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Andriušis, Albinas (author, inventor); Bansevičius, Ramutis (author, inventor); Bubulis, Algimantas (author, inventor); Jūrėnas, Vytautas (author, inventor); Žunda, Audrius. Device for evaluation of the working surface fretting wear characteristics: Patent No. LT 6315 B / inventors: Juozas Padgurskas, Albinas Andriušis, Ramutis Bansevičius, Algimantas Bubulis, Vytautas Jurėnas, Andrius Žunda; Aleksandras Stulginskis University. Vilnius, 20160912. 6 pages
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Bansevičius, R. (author, inventor); Bubulis, Algimantas (author, inventor); Jurėnas, Vytautas (author, inventor); Žunda, Audrius. Patent No. LT 6206 B Device for contact zone diagnostics of piezoelectric motors / J. Padgurskas, R. Bancevičius, A. Bubulis, V. Jurėnas, A. Andriušis, A. Žunda; ASU. Vilnius, 20150825. 7 pages
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Andriušis, Albinas (author, inventor). Patent No. LT 5624 B Device for measurement of the influence of friction force on the wear characteristics of material surface / J. Padgurskas, A. Andriušis; Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Vilnius, 20100125. 6 sheet
U.S. patents
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Andriušis, Albinas (author, inventor); Bansevičius, Ramutis (author, inventor); Bubulis, Algimantas (author, inventor); Jūrėnas, Vytautas (author, inventor); Žunda, Audrius (author, inventor). Device for evaluation of the working surface fretting wear characteristics : US 10161840 B2 : United States patent / Inventors: J. Padgurskas, A. Andriusis, R. Bansevicius, A. Bubulis, V. Jurenas, A. Zunda. 25/12/2018 8 sheet
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Andriušis, Albinas (author, inventor). United States Patent US 9,134,214 B2, Sep. 15. 2015 Device for measuring the influence of friction force on wear characteristics of a material surface with high frequency loading force / Inventors: J. Padgurskas, A. Andriusis. 20150915. 6 sheet
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Andriušis, Albinas (author, inventor). United States Patent US 8,297,104 B2 , Oct. 30, 2012 Device for measuring the influence of friction force on the wear characteristics of material surface / Inventors: J. Padgurskas, A. Andriusis. 20121130. 7 sheet
German patents
- Padgurskas, Juozas (author, inventor); Andriušis, Albinas (author, inventor). Deutsches Patent DE 11 2009 000 454 B4, 2016.07.21. Vorrichtung zum Messen des Einflusses der Reibkraft auf die Verschleißeigenschaften einer Materialoberfläche / Inventors: J. Padgurskas, A. Andriusis ; Aleksandras Stulginskis University. 20160721. 5 sheet
Major projects, business orders:
- Project “Development and research of the adaptive control methods for tribological parameters of piezoelectric drives” by a researcher team of the Research Council of Lithuania.
- FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES-295202 Training and collaboration on material developments and process improvements in oil and sugar production.
- COST Action MP1303 project “Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction”
- Fostering Innovation in Accelerator Science and Technology (IFAST), coordinated by CERN. Horizon 2020.
- Project “Research of tribological properties of ionic liquid-stabilized nanoparticple additives for environmentally friendly oils” by a researcher team of the Research Council of Lithuania.
Core researcher team
Prof. Dr. Juozas Padgurskas, Prof. Dr. Vytenis Jankauskas, Prof. Valentinas Snitka, Dr. Raimondas Kreivaitis, Dr. Artūras Kupčinskas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raimundas Rukuiža, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Audrius Žunda, Lect. Albinas Andriušis, PhD student Angelina Strelnikova, PhD student Deividas Kazlauskas, PhD student Mindaugas Rukanskis, PhD student Vitoldas Vilčinskas, PhD student Almontas Vilutis, PhD student Darius Volskis.
Head of Laboratory
Prof. Dr Juozas Padgurskas
Phone: +37061210804
Laboratory Aquatic Ecosystem Research and Modelling
Short description
The Laboratory was established in 2012 and is used by the researchers working on the study of quantitative and qualitative parameters of water bodies and on the modelling of processes in water bodies. The Laboratory provides advice to the designers, municipalities, ministries and other bodies, agencies and organisations, as well as private companies and farmers on global issues of sustainable use of water resources, and conducts comprehensive studies of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of individual water bodies (river basins, river sections, lakes, ponds), and, where necessary, models the processes in water bodies.
Major and emerging research fields:
- Water resource management and sustainable use (small hydropower, flood forecasting and management, inland waterways
- Research on water pollution and mitigation measures
- Restoration of damaged aquatic ecosystems
- Numerical modelling of hydrological processes
Major projects, business orders:
- “Preparation of a study on the environmental and socio-economic assessment of dams” (commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania and conducted with partners in order to prepare proposals for a strategic plan for restoration of river integrity in Lithuania)
- “Hydrokinetic river energy resources and non-affluent technologies” (Research teams project: patents, scientific publications and recommendations for the exploitation of non-affluent river energy resources in Lithuania).
- “Study on the creation of appropriate conditions for fish migration through barriers” (commissioned by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania and conducted with partners). The study investigated the practice of fish ladders, the impact of dams and hydroelectric power plants on fish migration, and provided recommendations for the latest (advanced) research on the efficiency of fish migration through fish passes and fish ladder).
- “Assessment of the electricity production at Balskai hydroelectric power plant” (measurements and report on the efficiency of the Balskai hydroelectric power plant commissioned by UAB “Hidroenergija”).
- “Bathymetric studies of the Old Smalininkai Harbour water area” (Research work commissioned by Smalininkai Community Centre. The aim was to carry out bathymetric surveys for the construction of the Smalininkai recreational harbour).
Core researcher team:
Prof. Dr Petras Punys, Prof. Dr Arvydas Povilaitis, Lect. Raimundas Baublys, Researcher Dr Egidijus Kasiulis, PhD student Linas Jurevičius
Head of Laboratory
Dr. Egidijus Kasiulis
Phone: 8 621 83902