Teaching aid, research paper competitions and awarding nominations of VMU AA employees are announced

We invite the employees of the VMU Agriculture Agriculture to participate in the competition of teaching aid and research papers, sharing with the community the significant work done and celebrating the achievements.
The winners will be awarded at the festive commemoration of the Day of the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence, which will take place in the Hall of VMU Agriculture Academy central building (Studentų str. 11, Akademija, Kaunas distr.) on March 12. 1 p.m.
Follow the approved regulations: REGULATIONS.
Teaching aid (TA) competition is organized to initiate the sharing of experience in the development and use of advanced teaching methods and TAs among the teachers among the teachers at the VMU Agriculture Academy; to accelerate the development and use of TAs and innovative teaching techniques; to encourage the teachers to develop and improve TAs and apply them effectively in their teaching activities.
The competition is open to employees at the VMU Agriculture Academy and their teams who have developed new TAs and applied them in teaching the students at the VMU Agriculture Academy.
Entries can be submitted under the following headings:
- Teaching publications (textbooks, course books, lecture notes, descriptions of laboratory work and exercises, other teaching publications (> 50 pages), published in print or electronic form);
- Visual aids (instruments, tools, laboratory and display benches, mockups, models,
collections of objects studied, videos, poster sets, and other tools); - Methods of organizing studies and other TAs (integrated provision of supporting teaching aids for the study subject, implementation of distance learning, implementation of other innovative study methods, etc.).
The application shall be accompanied by an extract of the minutes of the academic unit Council or a committee authorized by it, along with a recommendation, and a copy of the TA (or its location) and a description of it.
The TA description shall specify the following:
- Name of TA;
- Author(s)’ details (name, surname, faculty, institute, department, position, title, academic title and scientific degree, telephone number, email address);
- Purpose of the TA (study programme, study subject, topics within the study subject structure);
- Relevance (need, previous development of similar tools, etc.);
- Methodological compatibility with independent studies (possibilities for active learning and innovative study methods using the TA);
- Innovation (innovation in the presentation of course material) and scientific approach (use of the latest scientific information and tools, possibilities for student involvement in research);
- Visual quality of the knowledge presented and quality of the publication design (intensity of use of visual elements, strong aspects of the publication design);
- Other benefits.
Candidates’ documents for the competition shall be submitted to the coordinator for the administration of studies in the Administrative Group of the VMU Agriculture Academy dr. Rasa Čingienė (by email rasa.cingiene@vdu.lt or at VMU AA central building room 237) by 15 February.
A maximum of 3 prizes will be awarded per heading. Prizes are awarded to first-place winners, and certificates of appreciation are awarded to second and third-place winners. The prize fund shall be allocated by the Chancellor of the VMU Agriculture Academy.
Contact for more information: dr. Rasa Čingienė rasa.cingiene@vdu.lt, +370 682 22874, +370 37 752107, VMU AA central building room 237.
Follow the approved regulations: REGULATIONS.
Research paper (RP) competition is organized to encourage the teachers, researchers, and PhD students at the VMU Agriculture Academy to conduct research and disseminate the results thereof in the scientific journals of the international level or other publications, to contribute to a higher international competitiveness, enhancement of the scientific, social and economic environment of Vytautas Magnus University and of the whole country; to select, promote, and reward the best researchers and research groups at the VMU Agriculture Academy.
The competition is open to teachers, researchers, and PhD students of the VMU Agriculture Academy.
Entries can be submitted under the following headings:
- research group category (the number of authors of a submitted research paper shall be between 2 to 4, and each publication shall be authored by at least two authors from the research group participating in the competition);
- international researcher’s category (a researcher working on a research project in collaboration with researchers from other countries);
- category of the young researcher (researchers with a doctoral degree, no older than 40 years old by the application deadline), doctoral student or their team.
The RP competition is open to collections of scientific output on a common topic for the last 2 calendar years, which may include:
- scientific monographs, parts of scientific monographs, scientific studies;
- patented scientific production, registered plant and animal varieties;
- scientific articles;
- oral presentations at plenary sessions of international scientific conferences (the conference program shall be presented).
The RP shall be submitted to the competition together with the following:
- Extract from the minutes of the Council of the academic unit or a committee authorised by it, with a recommendation, which shall include the title of the submitted RP, the author(s) and the creative contribution that shall be assessed in proportion to the number of authors or on the basis of a joint declaration signed by the authors.
- A brief description (up to 1 page) of the research paper or collection of the scientific production, indicating the title of the RP, the components of the submitted scientific paper or parts of the collection of the scientific output, the coefficient of contribution, and highlighting the most important aspects of the RP that are relevant to the competition.
- Information about the author(s) of the RP (name, surname, position, scientific degree, scientific achievements).
The competition is not open to winners of the previous year’s RP competition.
Candidates’ documents for the competition shall be submitted to the Scientific Activity Coordinator dr. Algis Kvaraciejus (by email algis.kvaraciejus@vdu.lt or at VMU AA central building room 227) at the VMU Agriculture Academy by 15 February.
A maximum of 5 prizes will be awarded to the winners of the RP competition: a maximum of 3 prizes shall be awarded in the 1st category and 1 prize in the 2nd and 3rd categories each.
Contact for more information: dr. Algis Kvaraciejus, algis.kvaraciejus@vdu.lt, +370 37 752350, VMU AA central building room 227.
Follow the approved regulations: REGULATIONS.
The Nominations are an incentive tool to encourage the involvement of the employees and students of the VMU Agriculture Academy in further development of the quality of studies, research and scientific services, the creation of a motivating working environment, and fostering of culture and values.
Nominations are open to employees (or a group of employees) and students of the VMU Agriculture Academy who have an impeccable reputation. The employee or student who has violated the VMU Code of Academic Ethics and/or work discipline shall not be eligible for the Nomination.
Types of the VMU Agriculture Academy Nominations and the Nomination criteria:
- Nomination “Scientific Recognition of the Year” is awarded to a member or group of members of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy for receiving significant national and/or international awards for research and experimental development (R&D) activities. One candidate is submitted by each academic and non-academic division.
- Nomination “Project of the Year” is awarded to a member or group of members of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy for a study/research/science dissemination project that was successfully implemented in the previous calendar year and a significant impact on the region, country, or society on a national and/or international scale. One candidate is submitted by each academic and non-academic division.
- Nomination “Starting Researcher of the Year” is awarded to students and other members of the academic community at all levels of the VMU Agriculture Academy, except those holding a doctoral degree, for their active scientific research activities and results of scientific achievements. The Nomination may be awarded to the same member of the academic community once every three calendar years. One candidate is submitted by each academic division.
- Nomination “Employee of the Year” is awarded to an employee of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy who is indirectly involved in activities related to studies and research, for significant initiatives for the development of the VMU Agriculture Academy, outstanding diligence and loyalty to the VMU Agriculture Academy. The Nomination may be awarded to the same member of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy once every three calendar years. The candidates are submitted by the administration, academic, and non-academic divisions of the VMU Agriculture Academy.
- Nomination “National Partnership of the Year” is awarded to a member of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy for the establishment, development, and expansion of close and significant national cooperation with social and business partners, taking into account the importance of the cooperation, the support provided by the partner, or any other significant achievements at the VMU Agriculture Academy. The Nomination may be awarded to the same member of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy once every three calendar years. The candidates are submitted by the administration, academic, and non-academic divisions of the VMU Agriculture Academy.
- Nomination “International Partnership of the Year” is awarded to a member of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy for the establishment, development, and expansion of close and significant international cooperation with social and business partners, taking into account the importance of the cooperation, the support provided by the partner, or any other significant achievements at the VMU Agriculture Academy. The Nomination may be awarded to the same member of the community of the VMU Agriculture Academy once every three calendar years. The candidates are submitted by the administration, academic, and non-academic divisions of the VMU Agriculture Academy.
- Nomination “Teacher of the Year” is awarded to a member of the academic community of the VMU Agriculture Academy whose main job functions are related to the VMU Agriculture Academy, for the following results: students’ objective satisfaction with the taught subject, advanced pedagogical activity, work with the Erasmus+ students, resources used for the taught subjects, innovative approach in teaching, teacher’s activity and partnership with other study and research institutions, promotion of study programmes at the VMU Agriculture Academy among pupils and the public, and supervision of students’ research papers. The Nomination may be awarded to the same teacher once every three calendar years. The Nomination may be awarded to the same teacher once every three calendar years. One candidate is submitted by each Faculty.
- Nomination “Student of the Year” is awarded to a first-, second- or third-cycle student at the VMU Agriculture Academy for significant achievements in learning, research, organizational or social activities. The same student may be nominated once during the entire study period. One candidate is submitted by each Faculty, taking into account the opinion of student representatives.
Divisions submit candidates for nominations to the head of the VMU Agriculture Academy Administrative Group dr. Laima Skauronė (by email at laima.skaurone@vdu.lt or at VMU AA central building room 237) by 15 February.
The number of nomination winners is fixed: Scientific Recognition of the Year, Project of the Year, Starting Researcher of the Year, Employee of the Year, National Partnership of the Year, International Partnership of the Year – one winner in each category. Teacher of the Year, Student of the Year – four winners in each category.
Contact for more information: dr. Laima Skauronė, laima.skaurone@vdu.lt, +370 615 21559, +370 37 752278.
The VMU Agriculture Academy Teaching aid competition is organized according to the regulations approved by the VMU Agriculture Academy Chancellor’s order on January 26, 2024.
The VMU Agriculture Academy Research paper competition and the VDU ŽŪA Nomination Submission and Awarding Process are organized according to the regulations approved by the VMU Agriculture Academy Chancellor’s order on January 30, 2025.