27th International Scientific-practice Conference HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2021

You are kindly invited to participate in
27th International Scientific-Practice Conference
5–6 May 2021
Annual conference Human and Nature Safety is organized on occasion of the International Days of Health, Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety & Health.
The purpose of the Conference is to discuss interrelated human safety & health and environment protection problems, create opportunities for scientists and other researchers (especially younger) share the research results not only among researchers and students, but also between farmers, agricultural experts, representatives from forestry and other sectors. Also, to promote safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly lifestyle
- Ergonomics, Occupational Safety – 6th May 2021, VMU AA
- Ergonomic research, implementation, and their effectiveness.
- Research of risk factors, their prevention and management in a working, living and public environments.
- Research and management of stress at work.
- Sustainable Agricultural Technologies – 6th May 2021, VMU AA
- Technical and technological innovation for sustainable production.
- Precision engineering technologies and environmental protection.
- Environment and Health – 5th May 2021, VMU
- Research of risk factors in living environment and their effects on human health.
- Protection of biodiversity as a natural human environment.
- Ecology, Sustainable Forestry – 6th May 2021, VMU AA
- Environmental research of agro, hydro and forestry ecosystems.
- Sustainable development, protected areas, and environmental impact assessment of human economic or recreation activities.
- Forest protection and wood, game management.
- Dissemination of scientific knowledge of the research and rational use on medicinal plants in honor to pharmacognosist, botanist and monk Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža (1771–1849) activities in scientific, pedagogical, educational and environmental research areas – 5th May 2021, Kaunas Botanical Garden, VMU, Lithuanian Centre of Non-formal Youth Education.
- Consistency between recreational needs and forestry activities – 7th May 2021, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology, VMU AA and Lithuanian Union of Foresters
Until 19th February 2021 (Registration is extended until March 1, 2021)
online registration to the conference indicating desirable section or seminar and abstract of the presentation (up to 200 words).
Until 20th March 2021
e-mail submission (zmogaus.sauga@vdu.lt) of the payment order and the article prepared under the requirements (max. 4 pages). Articles will be reviewed by the members of Scientific Committee.
Until 2nd April 2021
e-mail submission of the final version of the article, author’s guarantee form and the reviewer’s review with authors’ answers to the reviewer comments (if necessary).
Until 8th April 2021
organizational scientific committee will decide the conformance of the articles for publishing. Authors will be notified if the article is declined.
Requirements for the Article Preparation
Participation fee of the conference is 30 EUR for bachelor and master students and 50 EUR for other participants.
Participant fee should be paid, and payment order should be submitted via e-mail zmogaus.sauga@vdu.lt until 30th March 2021*.
Participation fee must be transferred to the account of Vytautas Magnus University:
AB SEB Bankas, Bank sorting code: 70440, IBAN: LT35 7044 0600 0290 0835
Payment details: Please indicate „Conference Human and Nature Safety“.
Notice: If the fee is transferred after the indicated deadline, attendance will not be confirmed, presentation will not be included in Conference programme and the article will not be published in the selected papers Human and Nature Safety 2021.
The Conference is organised under supervision of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety, Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University
Conference Human and Nature Safety 2021
Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety,
Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University
Studentų g. 15a LT-53362 Akademija
Kauno raj. Lithuania
Phone: +370 37 75 23 57
E-mail: zmogaus.sauga@vdu.lt