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The result of the virtual hackaton HACK AgriFood’20 – prototypes of a local food supply chain created

4th year students of Administration of Rural Development Study Program at Faculty of Bioeconomic Development of VMU Agriculture Academy Alex Yirenkyi Akuffo, Mulolo Ngasa Gracia Donido, Johnson Segun John, Ndukwu Ifeanyi Harrison, Ohaegbu Paul Nnamdi together with Prof. Dr. V. Atkočiūnienė enjoy the...

International attention and insights on agro-ecosystems sustainability in Lithuania

On 2-3rd December, 2020 was held the 3rd International Scientific Conference AgroEco2020: "Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration, Food Security and Climate Change" organized by Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy. The conference was he...

AGROECO 2020 3rd International Scientific Virtual Conference

The 3rd International Scientific Virtual Conference “AGROECO 2020” will be held online on 2-3 th of December, 2020. The conference is organised by Faculty of Agronomy of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. Conference programme and connections....

AGROECO 2020 3rd International Scientific Virtual Conference

The 3dr international scientific virtual conference “AGROECO 2020” will be held online on 2-3 th of December, 2020. The conference is organised by Faculty of Agronomy of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. Conference programme and connections....

Europe’s eyes are on Lithuania: the International AgriFood Forum 2020 is being organized

Agriculture is approaching the breaking point: the European Green Deal, the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, the ongoing process of digitalization and the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis will fundamentally change the perception of productivity, sustainability and technology...

Registration for the online regional hackathon HACK AgriFood’20 has started

AgriFood Lithuania DIH, together with international partners, has announced the beginning of registration for the regional online two-day hackathon HACK AgriFood’20, which will take place on November 21-22, 2020. Participants will be able to choose from 18 unique challenges, divided into 6 different...