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Teaching visit to University of Zagreb (Croatia) and attendance in international conference

In March 04-08, 2019 professors PhD Algirdas Jasinskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering) and Kęstutis Romaneckas (Vytautas Magnus University, Agriculture Academy, Faculty of Agronomy) visited University of Zagreb according to the programme ERASMUS...


Dear students Please not forget about possibilities of ERASMUS studies in other European countries ! That is the possibility to study in other European university and get the ERASMUS grant. Required information and application for ERASMUS studies abroad. Final meeting on information and dist...

Training visit to RHIZO-MIC UG in Germany by Erasmus+ program  

Nijolė Maršalkienė researcher of the Institute of Ecology and Environment, had been to RHIZO-MIC UG enterprise in Germany for training visit by Erasmus program. A training visit was organised from 25 to 28 February 2018. The aim of training visit at RHIZO-MIC UG was focused on learning about the ...

Visit to the Georgian Technical University

Professor Juozas Padgurskas (Institute of the Transport and Machinery Engineering) 17 – 23 February visited in Tbilisi. The main aim of the visit is to provide a course of lectures on green tribology, engineering materials testing to train the students who can follow engineering testing developments...

Teaching visit in Czech University of Life Sciences Prague under the ERASMUS+ programme

Professor Eglė Jotautienė and assoc. professor Antanas Juostas from Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety visited Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Faculty of Engineering by “Erasmus+” teaching mobility program (Staff Mobility for Teaching). Professors and reasearchers of VDU Fa...

International Week

We invite all students, lecturers and other university staff members to participate in the ,,International Week” in Business and Rural Development Research Institute, Faculty of Bioeconomy Development. Lectures take time on 4-8 th of March, during them foreign university lecturers will give lectures...