Department of Business and Rural Development Management | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Department of Business and Rural Development Management


To conduct science-based research, studies, experimental activities in sustainable integrated development of agriculture and other bioeconomy business organisations, including active knowledge dissemination, development of close relations with bioeconomy business leaders and authorities.


The curriculum and quality of the study programmes at the Department are supervised by the Study Programme Committees, which coordinate the following studies:

  • undergraduate/Bachelor (Logistics and Commerce, Administration of Rural Development, Sustainable Biobusiness Management);
  • graduate/Master (Business Logistics, Administration of Rural Development, Agricultural Business Management).
  • postgraduate/Doctoral (Social Sciences, Management (03S))

RESEARCH AREA: Development of Agricultural and other Bioeconomy Business Organizations. 

Research topics:

  • Strategic development of agricultural and other bioeconomy business organizations
  • Logistics and marketing of agricultural and other bio-based products
  • Sustainable development of business processes and resources in agricultural and other bioeconomy organizations
  • Bio-business management
  • Development of agriculture knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS)

RESEARCH AREA: Integrated Development of Rural Areas.

Research topics:

  • Smart village development
  • Transformations of culture and tourism
  • Cooperation between agricultural and rural development subjects


Services for business in the prospects towards development of bioeconomy:

  • Training for business in bioeconomy in the respective research fields
  • Consulting on bioeconomy business, marketing, logistics planning
  • Applied research commissioned by bioeconomy business
  • Management, expert consulting in business bioeconomy
  • Presentations of innovative business in bioeconomy – from Science to Start-up


Key projects conducted on the international level:

  • 2011-2015: project “Future-oriented management of European forest landscapes” (INTEGRAL) conducted by the Institute researchers and intended to diminish the inconsistency of the land use policy and propose a new forest policy and management concept, which would be as sensitive as possible and focused on addressing the multidimensional ecological, social-economic, and political issues.
  • 2013-2016:  project “Rethinking the links between farm modernization, rural development and resilience in a world of increasing demands and finite resources” (RETHINK), conducted by the Institute researchers and aimed at integrating the concept of knowledge society into the context of agricultural and rural development by analysing the alternative paths of agricultural development, possibilities of implementation of innovations, potential interplay between farm modernization and sustainable rural development
  • 2013-2017: project TEMPUS-PACARGO “Development of Public Accreditation of Agricultural programs in Russia” conducted by the Institute researchers and aimed at creating favourable preconditions for implementation of the Bologna process principles in Russia’s quality assurance system for study programmes of agricultural profile.
  • 2016-2018: project “Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices „QUAERE: Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base of Enqa Standards and Guidelines” conducted by the Institute researchers. The aim of the project: to contribute to the ongoing reform of quality assurance in higher education in Ukraine by development of the measures assuring operation of the internal and external quality assurance systems.
  • 2018: project Esogu Tourism Camp conducted by the Institute researchers. “The Solution Development with Approach of Rural Tourism for the Problem of Employment in Agriculture: the Model of Inonu”, Eskisehir Osmangazi University Scientific Research Projects Commission, Municipality of Inönü”, Turkey. The project was dedicated to international and national promotion of Inönü region as a rural tourism object, as well as improvement of employment in agriculture in the context of sustainability with the help of the volunteer students.
  • 2016-2019: project “Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnerships „Sustainability of Small and Family Farms” (SOILS) conducted by the Institute researchers and aimed at enhancing collaboration among higher education and professional farmers’ organisations in innovative educational activities with the major focus on the assessment of small-sized and family farms and their functions (business, economic, production, organisational, technical, environmental, and social) in the context of sustainable development of rural areas.

Key projects conducted on the national level:

  • 2018: “Increasing the consumption of locally produced agricultural and food products by development of the short food supply chains and formation of the local food systems on the municipal level”, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • 2016-2019: EIP project “Centre for knowledge accumulation, transfer, development of agricultural technologies and their demonstration”, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • 2017-2020: “Assessment of the project proposals on local development strategy for Garliava town by 2020”, Garliava town local activity group.
  • Several doctoral dissertations are currently in the process of preparation at the Business and Rural Development Research Institute, two of which are associated with the following fields of activities by bioeconomy entities: Sustainable Development Models for the Agricultural and Rural Development Administration System, Harmonization of Functions of the Local Municipal Institutions.

Projects of Department LT/ENGL 2020



Assoc. prof. dr. Milita Vienažindienė/Head of the Department

Universiteto St. 10 – 404, LT-53361, Akademija, Kaunas district
