Variety and patents | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Variety and patents


 Title  Authors  Resume
 Lophospermum D. Don   prof. S. Gliožeris, prof. A. S. Tamošiūnas  Highly productive and highly decorative vegetatively propagated Lophospermum D. Don varieties have been created: in 2019 – 17, 2017 – 15, in 2016 – 10, in 2015 – 17, in 2013 – 10, in 2012 – 5, in 2010 – 2.
 BEGONIA ‘Jan Pawel II’  Assoc. prof. dr. S. Gliožeris The varieties of Begonia x tuberhybrida Voss, which are listed in the National Plant Variety 2009 list, were created.
 BEGONIA ‘Irena Virkau’  Assoc. prof. dr. S. Gliožeris, assoc. prof. dr. A. Krasauskas, assoc. prof. dr. L. Štuopytė and assoc. prof. dr. A. Tamošiūnas
 BEGONIA ‘Vytautas Virkau’  Assoc. prof. dr. S. Gliožeris, assoc. prof. dr. A. Krasauskas, assoc. prof. dr. A. Tamošiūnas and assoc. prof. dr. E. Venskutonienė

For more information about created varieties, see here.


 Title Dehydrated meadow grass flour
 Autoriai  prof. dr. E. Šarauskis, R. Sinkevičius, D. Sinkevičius, J. Sinkevičius, assoc. prof. dr. A. Sakalauskas, prof. dr. K. Romaneckas
 Patent No.   LT 6480 B
 Patent date of publication  11-12-2017
 Registered  State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania
 Patent Owner  Aleksandras Stulginskis University
The invention belongs to the field of agriculture dealing with the quality of feed, transportation, storage and feeding problems, since the meadow grass is dehydrated at a relatively low (up to 55 °C) temperature, and therefore the quality of its flour (especially carotene content) remains intact for a long time. During drying, the grass chops moisture is reduced from 70-80 to 12-14 %. The dried grass chops are grinded. Flour can be packed in bags. To increase the density of grass, granulate the flour. The density of granulated grass flour is up to 3 times bigger, and its volume is even smaller than non-granulated, making it easier and cheaper to transport, store and use it in automatic animal feed lines.