All news | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

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Power starts with bioeconomy: from principles to practice

Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of Vytautas Magnus University and Baltic Summer University invite You  to Summer school „Power starts with bioeconomy: from principles to practice“ , which will be held online 2 August – 6 August, 2021. We are waiting for everyone, who is interested in bioeconomy. M...

From September VMU students will receive larger scholarships

During the last meeting of VMU Senate of 2020 – 2021, which took place on June 23rd, 2021, together with the VMU Student Representative Council, a decision was made to amend and supplement the existing provisions of the VMU Scholarship Description Procedure, which in addition to procedural changes, ...

Ceremony “The path of change”

You are kindly invited to participate at the celebration ceremony "The path of change" hosted by Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy to present the Chancellor's regalia to Prof. Dr. Astrida Miceikiene and honor the significant business and social partnership. The ceremony will be held on ...

Press release: Three young scientists awarded for scientific excellence

On the 16th of June the Baltic Sea Science 2021 Award Ceremony was taking place as part of the online Baltic Science Network final conference. The award was presented to three young scientists for their excellence in promoting the Council of the Baltic Sea States’ Science, Research & Innovation ...

VMU Signed Memorandums of Understanding With Two UK Universities

In a ceremony at the British Embassy in Vilnius on 14 June, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) signed memorandums of understanding with two universities of the United Kingdom: the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) and the University of Strathclyde. This partnership allows students to acquire a combi...

The first of its kind Digital Sea hackathon in Lithuania

The three EIT FOOD hubs of the Baltic States — AgriFood Lithuania DIH, Riga Technical University and Tartu Biotechnology Park — are coming together for the first time ever for the exceptional international online hackathon HACK DigitalSea’21, which was initiated by the Lithuanian Digital Innovation ...