All news | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

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Co-operation visit in Ukrainie

On February 24-27 assoc. prof. Jolita Greblikaite was visiting Kiev National Economi University (Ukraine) with c0-operation visit. The common work and partnership with Ukrainian colleagues started few years ago with common participation in scientific conferences committees, scientific committees of ...

Visit of teachers of agriculture academy to the university of Zagreb (Croatia)

The teachers of Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University prof. dr. Laima Česonienė (Institute of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology) and assoc. prof. Midona Dapkienė (Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Water and Land Management) visited the Faculty o...

Research internship at university of Perugia

Assoc. prof. dr. Anastasija Novikova from the Research Institute for Bioeconomy visited the University of Perugia during the 10-14 of February. The aim of the visit was to work together on modelling framework for evaluation of agricultural landscape services. The focus was on calculation of resident...

The visits in Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and Lublin University of Life Sciences

Prof. dr. Honorata Danilchenko and prof. dr. Elvyra Jariene (Institute of Agriculture and Food Science, Faculty of Agronomy) visited the Wroclaw University of Environment and Life Sciences on 13-17 of January and University of Life Sciences in Lublin on 10-14 of February, 2020 in Poland under the Er...

The visits in Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and Lublin University of Life Sciences

Prof. dr. Honorata Danilchenko and prof. dr. Elvyra Jariene (Institute of Agriculture and Food Science, Faculty of Agronomy) visited the Wroclaw University of Environment and Life Sciences on 13-17 of January and University of Life Sciences in Lublin on 10-14 of February, 2020 in Poland under the Er...


ATTENTION TO ALL VMU STUDENTS! COMPETITION FOR EXCHANGE STUDIES AT non-EU/EEA COUNTRIES (Erasmus+ and VMU Bilateral Exchange) Students are invited to participate in a competition for one semester exchange studies at non-EU/EEA countries with Erasmus+ or VMU Mobility scholarship. Students have...