Name, surname |
Topic of dissertation |
2024 |
Jūratė Staveckienė |
The effect of ripening stage and genotype on the phytochemical composition of the Solanum Sp. fruits |
2023 |
Alfredas Sinkevičius |
Long – term effects of soil tillage technologies on the sustainability of agroecosystems |
Jovita Balandaitė |
Crop biodiversity influence on multi-crops sustainability, productivity and energy efficiency |
Arūnas Čmukas |
The impact of bio-preparations and undersown cover crops on spring oilseed rape agrocenosis |
Dalė Šumskaitė |
The effect of plant extracts on the quantity of biologically active compounds in prouted leguminous seed |
Brigita Medveckienė |
The effect of ripening stage and genotype on the content of metabolites and mineral elements in rosehip |
Inga Andruškaitė |
The soil sustainability under different tillage conditions by increasing the stratification of organic carbon stock in the arable layer |
Marius Lasinskas |
The impact of solid-phase fermentation on biologically active substances content in willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub) leaves |
Silvija Kosteckienė |
Regularities of development and yields of spring rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) sown at different dates |
Aušra Rudinskienė |
Caraway (Carum carvi L.) in multifunctional crops cultivations and their impact on the agroecosystem |
Povilas Drulis |
Improvement of nitrogen use efficiency in maize using urease inhibitors and biological preparations |
Inga Jančauskienė |
Optimization of the morphogenesis process in vitro of giant miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus J. M. Greef, Deuter ex Hodk., Renvoize) by exogenic factors |
Aloyzas Velička |
The impact of genotype and aromatic amino acids on the formation and chemical composition of the biological potential of mints (Mentha L.) |
Ernestas Maumevičius |
Influence of seed and fertiliser rates on hemp biological potential, development and evaluation of prospective hemp selection lines |
Neringa Juškevičiūtė |
Regulation of stevia (stevia rebaudiana bertoni) morphogenesis in vitro |
2019 |
Remigijus Peleckis |
Effect of exogenous amino acids on biological potential of winter rapeseed (brassica napus l. Spp. Oleifera biennis metzg.) |
Lina Skinulienė |
Effect of long term crop rotations and monoculture on soil quality indicators |
Ingė Auželienė |
Effect of long-term crop rotations and monoculture on cereals productivity and weed population |
2018 |
Dovilė Levickienė |
The influence of the biodynamic preparations on the soil properties and accumulation of bioactive compounds in the leaves of white mulberry (Morus alba l.) |
Marina Keidan |
Optimization of winter oilseed rape technological parameters in the organic farming system |
2017 |
Sandra Žaldarienė |
Chemical composition of different genotypes of organic Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) along the ontogenesis cycle |
Rita Mockevičienė |
The influence of non-chemical weed control and biopreparations on the agrocenosis of spring oilseed rape |
Vaida Steponavičienė |
Sustainability of agroecosystem and carbon sequestration as effect of long-term complex measures |
2016 |
Vidmantas Kučinskas |
Patterns of plant leaf energy exchange |
Rimanta Vainorienė |
The effect of exogenously applied proline and potassium bicarbonate on the green foxtail (Setaria viridis (l.) P. Beauv.) Formation of the biopotential under different watering conditions |
Aistė Juchnevičienė |
The effect of the genotype, fertilization and changing climate factors on winter wheat |
Nijolė Vaitkevičienė |
The effect of biodynamic preparations on the accumulation of biologically active compounds in the tubers of different genotypes of ware potatoes |
2015 |
Edita Mažuolytė-Miškinė |
Effect of biogenic growth stimulants on spring barley under conditions of different moisture regime |
Edita Juknevičienė |
The effect of biodynamic preparations on the properties of soil, yield of great pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima d.) fruits and their quality |
2014 |
Rita Čepulienė |
Dynamics of accumulation of allelochemical compounds in oilseed rape and effect on agricultural crops and weeds |
2013 |
Aida Adamavičienė |
Living mulch and weed competitiveness in maize crop |
Dovilė Avižienytė |
The impact of different long-term soil tillage on agrocenoses in the conditions of intensive agriculture and crop rotation |
Kristina Bajorienė |
Residual effects of organic mulches on agrocenosis |
Povilas Mulerčikas |
Distribution of click beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae) in different types of agrocenoses and harmfulness of the most abundant species to gramineous crops |
Ramunė Masienė |
Genetic and physiological aspects of flax morphogenesis induction |
2012 |
Vaida Jonytienė |
Effect of endogenous and exogenous factors on acclimation and cold tolerance of winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in vitro and in vivo |
Živilė Juknevičienė |
The effect of light and temperature on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber sprouting, plant development and productivity formation |
Lina Marija Butkevičienė |
Development and yielding regularities of winter oilseed rape and its hybrids as influenced by different sowing dates |
2011 |
Rūta Dromantienė |
The use of amino acids for winter wheat biological potential enhancement introduction |
Aušra Sinkevičienė |
The effect of organic mulches on soil properties, segetal flora and crop productivity |
Robertas Kosteckas |
The regularities of biopotential formation of spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) fertilized at different intensity in the crops differing in stand density |
Judita Černiauskienė |
Quality analysis of different cultivars oil pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. var. styriaca) fruits pulp, seeds, oil and oil cake |
2010 |
Skirmantė Balnytė |
Agroecosystem optimization by crop rotation, catch crop and manure in organic farming |
Skaidra Kordušienė |
Drying and freezing methods of sprouted seed intended for human consumption and reduction of microbiological contamination |
Romutė Mikučionienė |
Integrated evaluation of the capacity and main properties of gleyic luvisols with different fertilization systems |
2009 |
Kęstutis Malinauskas |
Biometric and fluorometric research performed in a nursey on productivity of variously fertilized apple tree grafts |
Rima Juozaitytė |
Response of pea (Pisum sativum L.) different morphotypes to the effect of ozone and UV-B radiation |
Aistė Pečkytė |
Agrobiological potential and yield quality of malting barley as influenced by mineral and foliar fertilizers |
Tatjana Tranavičienė |
The effects of nitrogen on photosynthetic and grain quality indicators of different varieties of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
Jurgita Kulaitienė |
Influence of agrobiological factors on field pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) fruit quality |
2008 |
Renata Laurė |
The effects of biostimulants and mineral nutrition elements on the yield of agricultural crops, their quality and soil biological activity |
Edvardas Kazlauskas |
The effect of ß-alanine hydrazide derivatives on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) photosynthesis, rhizogenesis and productivity |
Virginijus Butkus |
Heavy metals saturation in the soil and it’s influence on soil microorganisms and enzyme activity |
Zita Kriaučiūnienė |
Peculiarities of oilseed rape residues decomposition in the loam of hypogleyic cambisol |
Lina Ūksienė |
Optimization of oilseed rape (Brassica napusssp. oleifera) fertilization on Lithuanian luvisols (Luvisols) |
Loreta Taluntytė |
Plants mining dipterans (Diptera) in agroecosystems of Lithuania |
2007 |
Živilė Tarasevičienė |
The optimization of light spectral composition for growing of vegetable seedlings |
Jolanta Sinkevičienė |
Seed-borne fungi of cereals (Poaceae) and their control by physical methods |
Regina Romaneckienė |
Weed – spring barley competition and adaptation to different environmental conditions |
Ingrida Kraujutienė |
An influence of cultivar and growing technology upon chemical composition and biological activity of sprouted wheat |
Aurelija Paulauskienė |
The influence of fertilizers on chemical composition on fruits of different pumpkin cultivars and on the quality of processing products |
Rima Pranaitienė |
The effect of inhibitors on the quality of the stored potato tubers and products thereof |
2006 |
Agata Kairytė |
Tillage intensity and straw incorporation effect on barley agrocenosis |
Mindaugas Bastys |
Formation of the stand density, yield and quality of fibre flax using agricultural technological means |
Ramunė Kuprienė |
Development of yellow-seeded rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) by biotechnological and cklassical breeding methods |