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Visit of VMU Agriculture Academy staff to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation consultation and validation workshop

24-25 November 2022 the United nations Food and Agriculture Organisation Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (UN FAO REU) organized a consultation and validation workshop on "Developing a Capacity Building Programme on Land Consolidation and Land Banking" in Budapest, Hungary. The overall ob...

Dissemination event of project FARM

Researchers from the Department of Business and Rural Development Management of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of the of the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) together with other partner universities are implementing the international ERASMUS+ project "Fostering Agricult...

Erasmus+ competition for internship 2022-2023. Turn an adventure into an experience!

The third "Erasmus+" competition for internships of students and future graduates for the 2022-2023 academic year in EU/EEA countries is announced. The duration of the internship is from 2 to 6 months. Internship of graduates can end within a year after graduation at the latest. Applications are a...

“ERASMUS+” training visit to Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar

On November 7–11 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) representatives – dean of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development assoc. prof. dr. Bernardas Vaznonis and director of Bioeconomy Research Institute, at the Faculty of Engineering dr. Rytis Skominas visited Dzemal Bije...

Innovative ideas and solutions at the conference “AgroEco2022: Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change”

On October 26-27, the 4th international scientific conference “AgroEco2022: Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change” was held at the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA). The participants of the conference shared ...

VMU AA scientist visited the Polytechnic Institute of Beja

On November 8-11 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) assoc. prof. dr. Anželika Dautartė from department of Environment and Ecology at Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology, visited the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (Portugal), as part of the “Erasmus+” teaching programme. The i...