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3rd International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2022: Theory and Practice”

We are pleased to invite you to participate at the International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2022: Theory and Practice”. The conference will be held online on 4-5 May 2022.    The conference is organised by the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of Vytautas Magnus Unive...


🇺🇸Vytautas Magnus University is lending a helping hand to Ukrainians. In 2020, a support fund was established at VMU for the students who suffered from state repression in Belarus. From now on, this fund will also support the students who have suffered from military operations in Uk...

VMU Extends a Helping Hand to Ukraine: Everyone is Welcome to Donate

FOR THOSE WHO SEEK HELP / ДЛЯ ТИХ, ХТОПОTPEБYЄ  ДОПОМОГИ Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), continuing the initiative dedicated to the support of Eastern Partnership countries, has extended a helping hand to the Ukrainians. In 2020, VMU established a support fund dedicated to students who suff...

Study Exchange and Internship Opportunities for Students

International Cooperation Department invites all students of the VMU take advantage of an opportunity and apply for student exchange and internship abroad. We offer even four different options for international mobilities: Erasmus+ studies (EU/EEA countries). Submit your applications by 14 M...

Competition for Traineeship at non-EU Countries

VMU students are invited to participate in competition for traineeship at non-EU countries with VMU Mobility scholarship. Students have to submit completed online application form (Application form for traineeship in non-EU/EEE countries) until 30th of April 2022. Selection criteria: ...

Diplomas of the VMU Agriculture Academy Awarded to the Graduates from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty  

At the graduation ceremony on 28 January, the graduates from the Bioeconomy Development Faculty at the VMU Agriculture Academy were awarded with the Bachelor and Master degree diplomas certifying successful completion of their studies. Despite the ongoing restrictions related to the pandemic managem...