Game population management:
Age determination by morphology of wild animals; distance tracking, registration and census of wild animals; habitat suitability for wild animals evaluation; morphometrical studies and analysis of wild animals; analyze of game animals meat sensory characteristics and quality; evaluation of game trophy quality; environmental impact evaluation of game animals.
Game animals captive breeding, (re)acclimatization:
Infrastructure planning for captive breeding of even-toed ungulates (wild boar, follow deer’s, mouflons, red deer’s); development of recommendations for wild animals captive breeding; fallow deer ‘s acclimatization programs development and realization; evaluation of acclimatized wildlife population; game management planning; preparation, development and submission for legal approval game management plans; adjustment of game management plans; planning and designing bio-technical and technological facilities.
Game population management;
Wildlife animal captive breeding, acclimatization and reacclimatization;
Game management planning.
Evaluation of game population impact on forest ecosystem – research of game species (mammals and birds) impact on arboreal and herbal vegetation, animals. Recommendations for negative impact reduction.
Endangered game species bioecological evaluation – studies on endangered wildlife species ecology, ethology. Population management recommendations.
The evaluation of invasive game species populations – studies on invasive wildlife species ecology, ethology. Population management recommendations.
Studies in game management properties and evaluation of it’s wildlife population status – evaluation of the quality of the property, status and state of game species populations. Preparation of Game management plans for individual game management properties as well as extensive areas.
Game species acclimatization and acclimatization studies – evaluation of environmental suitability for planned (re) acclimatized game species, acclimatization process planning.
The organization of annual scientific-practical conference „Wildlife, forest and human interaction“;
Supervision of master level program „Wildlife recourses and it‘s management“;
Organized international short therm courses for game management specialists and hunters.