Department of Forest Sciences | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Department of Forest Sciences

Department of Forest sciences was established in 01-09-2021 by merging two institutes of Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology – Institute of Forest Biology and Silviculture and Institute of Forest Management and Wood Science. Currently, the department covers all aspects of modern forestry. The following study programs are under direct supervision of the department: („Forestry“ (I and II study cycles), „Wildlife resources and management“ (II study cycle).

Main research fields and leading researchers for contacts (please, address the description of our team for more information):

  • Evolutionary genetics of forest tree and animal populations (D.Danusevičius);
  • Sustainability of forest ecosystems under changing climate (A.Augustaitis);
  • Ecological forestry and biodiversity conservation (G.Brazaitis);
  • Forest grow(ing) and protection (E.Linkevičius, K.Godvod);
  • Inventory and multi-purpose use of forest resources (G.Mozgeris, D. Jonikavičius);
  • Urban and recreational forestry (L.Straigytė);
  • Game research and wildlife population management (A.Kibiša);
  • Sustainable management of forested landscapes (M.Manton);
  • Forest policy, economics and business (E.Makrickienė);
  • Timber harvesting systems;
  • Wood science and forest products (E.Petrauskas).


Department of Forest Sciences

Head of department – prof. dr. Gintautas Mozgeris
Ph.: +370-687 121 40

Department of Forest Sciences, Agriculture Academy, Vytautas Magnus University
Studentų str.11, Akademija, LT-53361 Kauno r., Lithuania
Ph.: +370-37 752 281


Head of laboratory:
Prof. dr. Algirdas Augustaitis
VDU ŽŪA Studentų str. 13, VII r. 208
LT-53361 Akademija, Kauno r., Lithuania
Ph.: +370-37 752269

Head of laboratory:
Dr. Artūras Kibiša
VDU ŽŪA Studentų g. 15a, J231
LT-53361 Akademija, Kauno r., Lithuania
Ph.: +370 687 31533

Head of laboratory:
Prof. dr. Vitas Marozas
VDU ŽŪA Studentų g. 15a, J231
LT-53361 Akademija, Kauno r., Lithuania
Ph.: +370-620 33469