First online training session of CBHE project Internal Quality Assurance System for Agriculture and Biosystem Engineering Related HEI of Algeria (QUALS) on Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System took place on the 3rd of March, 2021.

The main aim of the training session was – to introduce participants with the basics of the implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System as well as to set goals and topics for the further training.
The event gathered 44 participants from four Higher Education Institution in Algeria.
During the event Manager of the project prof. Antanas Maziliauskas gave a welcoming word as well as shortly introduced the project, main developments, and achievements. Estonian University of Life Sciences Vice-rector for Studies prof. Endla Reintam and Vytautas Magnus University’s Head of Study Quality Unit dr. Izabela Savickienė gave presentations on the implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System. Attendees implemented group work analyzing main components of Internal Quality Assurance System which resulted in main topics questions of interest for the further training, which is planned for the 1st of April.
Second online training session of CBHE project Internal Quality Assurance System for Agriculture and Biosystem Engineering Related HEI of Algeria (No. 598176-EPP-1-2018-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) on Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System took place on the 1st of April, 2021.

During this session following topics were presented and discussed: Evaluation and Revision of Lectures; Definition of Educational Offer and its Management; Student Learning Support; Guidance and Professional Integration; Partnership and Mobility; International Openness Policy. During the break participant were invited to a virtual visit to Lithuania’s one of the most prominent painter, composer and writer Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis gallery. Where they got to know a little bit of the Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis biography, music, paintings and Lithuanian history during the period of his life.
The event gathered 37 participants from four Higher Education Institution in Algeria.
Third online training session of CBHE project Internal Quality Assurance System for Agriculture and Biosystem Engineering Related HEI of Algeria (No. 598176-EPP-1-2018-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) on Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System took place on the 4th of May, 2021.

During this session following topics were presented and discussed: Quality Procedures; Information System; Promotion of Research; Doctoral Training; Continuing Education; Conditions for Policy Development. During the break participant were invited to watch short representative videos on Lithuania and Estonia.
The event gathered 35 participants from three Higher Education Institutions in Algeria.

Reaching project goals set up in the Work Package 3, Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education.
was hired as a subcontractor to:
- deliver 20 hours of training (divided in three sessions),
- deliver 10 hours of consultations (divided in five, two hours long, consultations)
- to implement pilot external quality assessment of one of the participating Algerian HEIs.
Due to COVID-19 situation, training and consultations are being implemented online. Depending on the COVID-19 sitation in the early summer 2022, the pilot external quality assessment might be implemented in a physical mode or virtually.
The main aim of the trainings and consultations is to provide theoretical knowledge and know-how to representatives of three Algerian HEIs to prepare self-assessment, run self-assessment and get ready for external quality assessment.
First training session: European Principles and Guidelines for
Internal and External Quality Assurance
Organized on the 29th of November, 2021. The training event was attended by 23 representatives from National Higher School of Agronomy (Algeria), National Higher School of Biotechnology (Algeria), National Higher School of Hydraulic (Algeria).
First speaker: Ms. Aurelija Valeikienė, SKVC Deputy Director
Topics presented:
European approach to internal and external quality assurance in higher education.
International cooperation and challenges in implementing ESGs in line of recent developments.
Second training session: European principles and guidelines for
internal and external quality assurance. Institutional review process.
Organized on the 6th of December, 2021. The training event was attended by 23 representatives from National Higher School of Agronomy (Algeria), National Higher School of Biotechnology (Algeria), National Higher School of Hydraulic (Algeria).
First speaker: Ms. Aurelija Valeikienė, SKVC Deputy Director
Topic presented:
What are key take away messages from I session for you and your higher education institution? (Discussion)
Second speaker: Mr. Almantas Šerpatauskas, SKVC Director.
Topic presented:
Internal quality assurance and ESG 2015.
Third speaker: Ms. Rasa Penkauskienė, head of SKVC Institutional Review Department
Topic presented:
Methodology for Conducting an Institutional Review of Foreign Higher Education Institution: The Process. Part I.
Methodology for Conducting an Institutional Review of Foreign Higher Education Institution: The Review Areas and Criteria. Part II.